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9 Indications You’re Experiencing A Spiritual Awakening

by Alex Grey: 1. You’re creating your own beliefs...


Many self-defined spiritual people can talk to you at length for hours about spiritual beliefs of others, but when it comes to their own beliefs, there aren’t actually any. When you’re experiencing a true spiritual awakening, sure, you might find some solace in older beliefs and systems. You might find yourself deep in meditation or yoga, but while you’re there, you’re coming up with your own ideas and beliefs.

2. You want greater freedom.

During your spiritual awakening, one day you’ll wake up, look around, and suddenly feel shackled by your home, your job, your possessions, and possibly even your relationship. Don’t leap from bed, throw out everything, buy a van and follow your favorite band on tour just yet though. But think about the things in your life that weigh you down and deny you freedom. Think about how life would be without it and what you might be able to do without it.

3. You feel a deep draw toward personal development.

Where bubbly stories of a person’s escape from slavery or another’s return to good health from calamity used to not interest you, suddenly stories of personal development and triumph are important to you. You’re drawn to them because you’re now striving for it yourself.

4. When you’re in nature, you feel more connected than ever.

A hike through the woods may have once been a tedious, annoying thing that kept you from watching the game or playing some video games. But during your spiritual awakening, everything else melts away from your mind when you’re in nature. You suddenly feel so much more connected to it and the whole universe when in nature. It’s almost as though you can feel the pulse of the planet.

5. You find yourself talking to yourself or praying more often.

It’s a subconscious change that happens during your spiritual awakening. You have a sudden desire to express your thoughts and feelings, whether to yourself, to some higher entity, or in prayer. There’s nothing wrong with it. Saying your thoughts out loud puts them out into the universe. You never know how the universe will reply.

6. You’re experiencing synchronicity.

Synchronicity is a pretty strange experience. It’s the experiencing of meaningful, related events that are unlikely to be mere coincidence. These experiences tend to guide us toward a path, but sometimes they simply remind us that we’re already on right path.

7. You feel a deep oneness with your fellow man.

Congratulations, you’ve entered empathic territory. All human beings are soft-wired to feel empathy. Empathy is the feeling of seeing someone else hurt and feeling that pain yourself. It’s what causes you to feel unwell or faint at the sight of blood. You’re feeling someone else’s pain. You’re experiencing their experience. During your spiritual awakening, you’ll find yourself more connected to your fellow man; not just in a Moby We Are All Made Of Stars kind of way, but you start to understand that everyone is on a path, everyone experiences many of the same things, and we’re really not at all alone in this.

8. Taking care of your body is more important.

You smoke, you drink, you eat at Taco Bell, but then you start experiencing your spiritual awakening and suddenly none of that sounds appealing. You want some fresh squeezed juice or a delicious salad with vegetables. Even more so, you want to grow your own vegetables, be one with the land, and nourish your body in the purest way.

9. All of your emotions are felt more fully.

Sure, we all experience a wide range of emotions, but people in the midst of a spiritual awakening will feel them more fully. Spiritual people are characterized as being happy, frolicking little angels, but spiritual people do feel anger and depression and they feel those emotions more so than most. It’s not to say they don’t also experience joy and satisfaction; they simply feel the full range and to a higher degree.

Source: AWAKEN


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