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Green Smoothie Recipe By Chameli Ardagh

by Chameli Ardagh: I am completely and utterly in love with green smoothies…



I drink them every day for breakfast as a way of connecting with the abundance and vitality of Earth. They make me feel beautiful and glowing, balanced and nourished, passionate and energized.

Whenever I teach and travel, I always drink green smoothies throughout the day; it is a non-negotiable self-care practice for me. Drinking in the medicine of plants weaves me back into the land, helps me ground and opens my voice to receive Earth’s wisdom. When I return home from a teaching tour, green smoothies help me to recover from jet lag, root back in my body and rest into home.

There are a thousand elaborate ways you can make a green smoothie, but if you are a beginner, I recommend starting simple. As your body gets used to the green bliss, have plenty of fruits in it, so it tastes good and is easy to drink. I have noticed that after a while my taste buds have changed, and I put very little fruit in it these days. My body has learned to love the more bitter taste of the vegetables.

Here is a recipe for a green smoothie so you can get the idea, but the ingredients are flexible. It is good to change the greens around so that you get the full spectrum of nutrition.

Basic Green Smoothie

1 pear/apple
1 banana
1 handful green kale
1 handful spinach
water/ coconut water


1 apple
2 stalks of celery
1 inch ginger root
1 handful spinach
1 handful parsley

From here you can add healthy fats and superfoods if you like. The banana makes it creamy, but you can also add chia seeds or avocado to achieve the same effect. Use your intuition and your imagination.

Awaken Body

Awaken Mind

Awaken Spirit

Source: AWAKEN


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