by Jean Shinoda Bolen, M.D.: At this time of mourning May we be connected to each other, May we know the range and depth of feelings in ourselves and in each other.
For there is vulnerability, fear, love, rage, hatred,
compassion, courage, despair, and hope
In ourselves, each other, and the world.
May we know our most authentic feelings
And voice them when we speak.
May we tap into soul and spirit
When we are silent together.
May healing begin in us.
May we form and become a circle.
Begin by holding hands in a circle
(even two people can be one),
Be silent and feel the clasp and connection
Of hands and heart.
Then each in turn
Speak for yourself
And listen to each other.
Put judgment aside
Remember that anything voiced
That you may want to silence
May be a silenced part of yourself.
Sing what spontaneously wants to be sung.
And end each circle as it was begun.
(for meditation, contemplation, prayer).
Invite blessings.
Until we meet again.