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Following Your Soul’s Direction

by Dr Wayne Dyer: let us remember the wisdom of Dr. Wayne Dyer who reminds us to reflect on our lives and speak to our soul when we need guidance…


Look back over your life at the key turning-point moments when you were involved in some kind of a peak experience and being pulled in a new direction. Think about your soul and what it truly means to be motivated by your inner thoughts, rather than using some artificial external barometer as your life’s guide. Promotions are nice; salary increases are of course welcomed; a gold watch is a fine symbol of a long and devoted life; a grade on a transcript, a trophy, and so many more are all external indices. They do not soothe or satisfy your soul. Your soul is not finite—it has no form—no beginning or end. It needs to expand—to grow, to avoid being labeled or compartmentalized.

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Every move I made in my life was in the direction of more freedom that gave me the ability to decide for myself where to be each day, what to wear, how to speak, how my writing would proceed. These were nudges from my soul—the inner invisible part of me that is infinite and therefore always seeking expansion. Stay in touch with and honor the calling you feel deep within you. Ignoring that will leave you feeling like a prisoner in your own body and in your own private world. Your soul is miserable when it is confined, or labeled, or told what it can or cannot do.

As you begin to see more and more clearly not only how and why your life took all of its twists and turns but what direction it is going to take from here on in, you will see that your soul will not ever lead you astray. This is because this is truly who you are—not your accomplishments or possessions, but that inner sense of purpose that seeks out immensity and expansion. Listen when it beckons you in a certain direction, or when it sends you a teacher, or sets up a synchronistic series of events. It all feels so mysteriously exciting when it occurs because your outer world is finally meshing with your soul’s innate need to keep on expanding. It must and always will prod you this way because it is infinite, and therefore it must just keep growing.

There has been invisible guidance there for me each and every step of the way, just as there is for you as well. In order to access that guidance, I encourage you to make a commitment to be absolutely faithful to that which exists nowhere but within yourself. This is the great secret for seeing ever more clearly and living your life from a place of passion and purpose.


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