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How To Make Your Kundalini Awakening A Positive Event

by Tara Springett: My own Kundalini awakened at the age of twenty four during three courses of bioenergetic therapy, in which we held painful body postures while screaming our heart out…

It was a rough approach and it achieved what it set out to achieve: it ruptured my repressive ‘body armour’ and allowed the life-force and Kundalini to flow more freely.

Fifteen years later I tried to purposefully increase the amount of my Kundalini through methods that I learnt from my Buddhist teachers.

Doing this proved so successful that I am now a Kundalini therapist who can help others to alleviate and even eliminate troublesome Kundalini symptoms.

There is much information about Kundalini on the internet that looks very frightening and I do not want to add to that fear.

So, this will be a reassuring and positive article.

First of all, I want to say that now, at the age of fifty two I feel that my Kundalini awakening was the very best that happened to me (apart from becoming a Buddhist, meeting my husband, and having our son).

My Kundalini set me on path of rapid development that brought me untold blessings from heightened creativity to confidence, clairvoyance, and beautiful bliss. My connection to the divine has deepened throughout the years and has been a source of comfort that has helped me in the most wonderful ways.

If you are going through an involuntary Kundalini awakening that feels confusing and scary, I like to remind you that essentially Kundalini is the most beneficial thing that can happen to anybody. It is the fastest path to reach our highest potential because it supplies us with an abundance of energy that we can use for this aim.

Why, then, you may ask, am I suffering so much?

The answer to that question is that in beginning the Kunndalini can be a bit a shock for the system because it cuts through our ego-defences.

Ego-defences are all the mechanism that we use to shield ourselves from the truth about ourselves. For example, we may deceive ourselves about how independent we are, how positive and tough. We may also have illusions about our life-style and relationship choices and consider them healthy when they really are not healthful at all.

Kundalini does not let us get away with these self-deceptions. It puts right into our face the damage that we are doing to ourselves by highlighting all our emotions and body sensations.

This process of disillusionment is in a nutshell what all Kundalini problems are about.

I will not lie to you – in the beginning I was quite confused myself and I did not always find it easy to work through the bewildering array of symptoms that my Kundalini awakening threw up throughout the years.

First of all, I was a rather prideful atheist when my awakening happened. Once the Kundalini coursed through my system I suddenly found my atheistic world view utterly lacking in meaning; yet I wasn’t ready yet to embrace a more spiritual outlook. It was a very painful place to be in and I only started to feel better once I whole-heartedly engaged in my Tibetan Buddhist path.

It was harder then to go through a Kundalini awakening than it is now because the internet did not exist and I did not have any idea what I was happening to me. I only thought it was very odd that I ‘had’ to work so hard on myself when other people seemed so, well, ‘normal’.

I certainly was not ‘normal’. I found little amusement in all sorts of entertainment that most people enjoy. Instead, I filled numerous journals with meticulous descriptions of my inner process and over the years this dedicated approach to my own development brought more than ample rewards.

This is my main advice to you if you find yourself in an involuntary Kundalini awakening: embrace your inner development and make it the number one priority in your life.

Rejoice at the disillusioning process (not always easy, I know) because it opens the door to a life lived in deeper truth and reality.

In my work as a Kundalini therapist I always address the emotional and spiritual issues first with my clients. I find that after these areas have been corrected that most of the physical symptoms subside on their own accord.

The key to dealing with these emotional and spiritual issues is to bring more altruistic love into your life and into all your relationships.

Here is a short introductory exercise about how that is done:

Imagine a person who has hurt you in front of you.

Say to this person,

What you have done is wrong but I now stop resenting you and wish you to be happy and healed.

Imagine this benevolent wish like a bubble of loving light enveloping the other person.

Imagine that they other person would immediately regret all their wrong-doing if they were happy and healed.

If you wish to have a separation from this person let their bubble of light slowly drift away until it disappears at the horizon.

This exercise should help you to see a marked improvement for many of your Kundalini problems. You may be surprised that I suggest an exercise about love and forgiveness when you feel that your problem is that some strange energy is cursing through your system.

But alleviating Kundalini problems is less about trying to manipulate the energy in your body and foremost about bringing love, honesty and forgiveness into all of your relationships.

Source: The Yoga Lunch Box


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