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Dr. Wayne W. Dyer Attract Ideal People: How to find those you want and need

by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer: Simply be the qualities you seek in others.


IF YOU SAW the 1989 movie Field of Dreams, you probably came away remembering the concept that if you pursue a dream, you will succeed (or, “If you build it, they will come”). I mention this because I’m suggesting that if you commit yourself to matching up with the field of intention, everyone you desire or need to fulfill your personal intention will appear. How can that be? The moment you definitely commit yourself to being a part of the power of intention, “then Providence moves too,” and unforeseen assistance comes your way.

The right people will arrive to assist you in every aspect of your life: The people who will support you in your career are there; the people who will help you create your perfect home show up; the people who will arrange the finances for whatever you desire are available; the driver you need to get you to the airport is waiting for you; the designer you’ve admired wants to work with you; the dentist you need in an emergency when you’re on vacation just happens to be there; and your spiritual soul mate finds you.

The list is endless because we’re all in relationship to each other, we all emanate from the same Source, and we all share the same divine energy of intention. There’s no place that this universal mind is not; therefore, you share it with everyone you attract into your life.

You’ll have to let go of any resistance to your ability to attract the right people, or you won’t recognize them when they show up in your everyday life. Resistance may be difficult to recognize at first, because it’s such a familiar form of your thoughts, your emotions, and your energy levels. If you believe that you’re powerless to attract the right people, then you’ve attracted powerlessness into your experience. If you’re attached to the idea of being stuck with the wrong people or no people at all, then your energy isn’t aligned with the power of intention, and resistance reigns. The field of intention has no choice but to send you more of what you’re desiring. So, make a somersault into the inconceivable, where you have faith and trust in the universal mind of intention, and allow the right people to arrive in your life right on schedule.

Once you’ve formed a picture in your mind of the person or people that you intend to show up in your life, and you know how you want them to treat you and what they’ll be like, you must be what it is that you’re seeking. This is a universe of attraction and energy. You can’t have a desire to attract a mate who is confident, generous, non-judgmental, and gentle, and expect that desire to be manifested if you’re thinking and acting in non-confident, selfish, judgmental, or arrogant ways—which is why most people don’t attract the right people at the right time.

More than 30 years ago, I wanted to attract a publisher into my life for my book, Your Erroneous Zones. This publisher would have to be understanding since I was an unknown writer at the time, and would have to be a risk taker, willing to let go of any doubts about me.

My literary agent arranged a meeting with an executive editor, whom I’ll refer to as George, at a large New York publishing house. As I sat down to talk with him, it was obvious to me that he was personally distraught. I asked him what was troubling him, and we proceeded to spend the next three to four hours talking about a devastating personal matter that had just transpired the night before. George’s wife had told him that she was going to seek a divorce, and he felt as though he’d been blindsided by this news. I let go of my own desires to talk about getting my book published and became what it was that I was seeking: an understanding, confident, risk-taking person. By being that very thing and detaching from my ego-dominated desires, I was able to help George out that afternoon, which I’ve never forgotten.

I left George’s office that day without even discussing my book proposal. When I told my literary agent this story, he was convinced that I’d blown my one opportunity with a major publishing house by not making a strong pitch for my book. The following day, George called my agent, telling him, “I really don’t even know what Dyer’s book proposal entails, but I want that man as one of our authors.”

At the time, I didn’t realize what was happening. Now, with a quarter century of living in this world of spiritual inquiry, I see it quite clearly. The right people show up precisely when you need them and when you’re able to match up. You must be that which you desire. When you are what you desire, you attract it by radiating it outward. You have this ability to match up with the power of intention and fulfill your intention to attract ideal people and divine relationships.


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