by Darren Chow: Swami Satchidananda brought his brand of popular yoga to the United States in the Sixties. Half a century later, there are facilities all over the country that make his teachings and his practices available to millions of Americans searching for enlightenment and balance.
With yoga, they find exactly that. In fact, yoga isn’t just good for the body. It’s good for the mind. There are many ways his practice and teachings can benefit interested parties today. You want to truly improve your life? Pick an area, and yoga can give you exactly what you need:
Family: With the healing peace of yoga, you can find calm in the relationships with those closest to you: your family. This yoga practice gives you time, peace, and energy to evaluate the bond you share with those around you, and helps direct your mind to ways you can improve upon that bond. Of the millions who have taken advantage of Swami Satchidananda’s teachings over the years, this has been one area universally agreed upon as beneficial.
Relationships: Imagine not worrying about finding Mister or Missus Right. Imagine being at peace with who you are. Can you see how that could open you up to possibilities in your relationships with other people. You can’t pick your family, but you can pick your friends and lovers. Swami Satchidananda yoga helps you to pick these things wisely by placing you in a position where you can be at peace with yourself and what you hope to gain from outer relationships.
Religion: Who created us? What happens to us when we die? What should I believe? What should I condemn? Traditional religion is plagued with questions that bring judgment and doubt. Yoga is not a practice for absolutes. It doesn’t focus on who’s right and who’s wrong and what must be done about it. It focuses on you. It does not condemn your faith, nor uphold it. It simply helps you find peace with what you believe and what your purpose is in this world.
Self Improvement: Swami Satchidananda yoga has so many benefits for the mind, but it helps the body, too. Improve the way you look and feel with yoga strategies that challenge your body even while making it stronger and more effective. Health and wellness is as much physical as it is mental, and yoga understands this.
Lifestyles: Eat better. Live better. Yoga teaches you to treat your body and mind as a temple.
Satchidananda and his yoga teachings and practices seek to include every person and every belief. It’s the perfect complement to who you are and what you hope to achieve from life. Give your body and mind what it needs with yoga, and wake up to a better you.
The teachings of Satchidananda his emphasis on balance have enriched Americans since he brought them to the U.S. in the Sixties. After a half-century, Swami Satchidananda his work can make a difference for you. Visit our site to find out how!