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40 Life Changing Lessons To Learn From David R. Hawkins

by Luminita Saviuc: David Hawkins has left behind an unique contribution to humanity due to his advanced state of awareness and enlightenment…


And today I would like to share with you 40 of the many life changing lessons you can learn from this amazing man, as I’m sure they will benefit you greatly.

1. The doorway to Divinity in the Now.

“The doorway to Divinity is located and available as a direct experience in the exact split second of ‘now’ which is discernible between two thoughts.” ~ David R. Hawkins

2. Make a gift of your life and lift all mankind by being kind, considerate, forgiving, and compassionate.

“Make a gift of your life and lift all mankind by being kind, considerate, forgiving, and compassionate at all times, in all places, and under all conditions, with everyone as well as yourself. This is the greatest gift anyone can give.” ~ David R. Hawkins

3. To become more conscious is the greatest gift anyone can give to the world.

“To become more conscious is the greatest gift anyone can give to the world; moreover, in a ripple effect, the gift comes back to its source.” ~ David R. Hawkins

4. You change the world as a consequence of what you have become.

“We change the world not by what we say or do, but as a consequence of what we have become.” ~ David R. Hawkins

5. You attract to yourself reflections of that which you are.

“Everything you see happening is the consequence of that which you are.”

“Everybody is like a magnet. You attract to yourself reflections of that which you are. If you’re friendly then everybody else seems to be friendly too.” ~ David R. Hawkins

“People hate me” stems from one’s own inner hatreds. “People don’t care about me” stems from one’s narcissistic absorption with one’s happiness and gain instead of others. “I don’t get enough love” stems from not giving love to others. ~ David R. Hawkins

6. All judgment is self-judgment.

“All judgment reveals itself to be self-judgment in the end, and when this is understood a larger comprehension of the nature of life takes its place.” ~ David R. Hawkins

7. Love is a state of awareness, not an emotion. 

“Love is misunderstood to be an emotion; actually, it is a state of awareness, a way of being in the world, a way of seeing oneself and others.” ~ David R. Hawkins

8. Spiritual evolution occurs as the result of removing obstacles and not actually acquiring anything new.

“Spiritual evolution occurs as the result of removing obstacles and not actually acquiring anything new. Devotion enables surrender of the mind’s vanities and cherished illusions so that it progressively becomes more free and more open to the light of Truth.” ~ David R. Hawkins

9. It is only the minority of people who seek self-improvement or personal growth.

“It is only the minority of people who seek self-improvement or personal growth. This is because whatever one’s self-criticisms, one secretly really believes that one’s way of being is okay and probably the only correct one. They are alright as they are, and all problems are caused by other people’s selfishness, unfairness, and by the external world.” ~ David R. Hawkins

“At some point, the illusion breaks down and the opening for the start of the spiritual quest commences. The quest turns from without to within and the search for answers begins.”

10. The seeking of Enlightenment is the most difficult of human pursuits.

“The seeking of Enlightenment is a very major commitment, and is, in fact, the most difficult of human pursuits. It can be alternately arduous or exhilarating, exciting or tedious, demanding or inspiring. There are great breakthroughs as well as exasperating, seemingly impossible obstacles. It is to be expected that this pattern is par for the course.” ~ David R. Hawkins

11. Life is how you perceive it.

“Life is how you perceive it. The meaning of it is what you project out there. In and of itself, it doesn’t mean anything.” ~ David R. Hawkins

12. If you’re not happy here and now, you will not be happy there and then.

“It is helpful to understand that if one is not happy with present circumstances, the chances are that happiness will still be elusive when conditions change to meet one’s current desire. That is, if happiness is elusive now, it will continue to be so in the future because the ability to locate the source of happiness has not yet been found.” ~ David R. Hawkins

13. Desire is fueled by the illusion of lack.

“Desire is fueled by the illusion of lack and that the source of happiness is outside oneself and therefore has to be pursued or acquired. The importance of the object of desire is thereby inflated and overvalued by its symbolism and mystique. The pleasure of the sense of Self is blocked by desire. When that desire is fulfilled, the ego ascribes the resultant sense of joy to the acquisition of an external. However, this is a clever illusion because the actual source of the pleasure is that the block to experiencing the joy of the Self has been temporarily removed. The source of the experienced happiness is the radiance of the Self that shines forth when it is not shut off by an ego distress.” ~ David R. Hawkins

14. The way to become that exciting person whom people want to know is by letting go.

“The way to become that exciting person whom people want to know is very easy. We simply picture the kind of person we want to be and surrender all the negative feelings and blocks that prevent us from being that.” ~David R. Hawkins

15. If you want something, you need to become it.

“You need to be right, you need to make money, you need to be successful – it’s the neediness that’s the problem. Instead, become that which attracts those things.” ~ David R. Hawkins

16. To let go of the known for the unknown requires faith in God.

“To let go of the known for the unknown requires great commitment, willingness, and devotion to surrendering one’s faith to God.” ~ David R. Hawkins

17. The attachment to love is really the trap (not love itself).

“The attachment to love is really the trap (not love itself) and the barrier to enlightenment. In Reality, love is freedom, but attachment to love is a limitation.” ~ David R. Hawkins

18. Ego is the persistence of animal instinct from an earlier part of the brain.

“Ego is the persistence of animal instinct from an earlier part of the brain. The frontal cortex emerged later and allows thinking. However, the thinking is then used for animal goals […] We now have rivalry and the quest for domination via the intellect, rather than teeth, claws, etc.” ~ David R. Hawkins

19. People are addicted to the payoffs of being right, blaming others, twisting the knife.

“Man is addicted to the payoffs of being right, blaming others, twisting the knife. […]Most would rather enjoy hating someone than to give it all up.” ~ David R. Hawkins

20. Truth has nothing to prove.

“The road to enlightenment is not for bleating sheep. To be offended signifies that one is defended, which, in itself, signifies the clinging to untruth. Truth needs no defense and therefore is not defensive; truth has nothing to prove.” ~ David R. Hawkins

21. If you own it all, nobody has any way to attack you.

“Write down all your faults. Write down all the faults others think you have, even if you think they’re liars. You take responsibility for it all. If you own it all, nobody has any way to attack you. If others attack you, it’s because you’re not owning something. Besides, there’s nothing wrong with being stupid and ugly. (Laughter). So we admit our faults, and we stop labeling them faults. We have to get over narcissistic sensitivity. All negative reactions are not caused from outside; it’s how we choose. The way to become bulletproof is to own anything that seems a fault. The way to overcome the ego’s reaction to that is to say, “I’m stupid and ugly. It doesn’t matter; God loves me.” ~ David R. Hawkins

22. Non-attachment is not the same as indifference.

“Non-attachment is not the same as indifference, withdrawal or detachment.[…]In contrast, non-attachment allows full participation in life without trying to control outcomes.” ~ David R. Hawkins

23. The belief that one is the ego, obscures the Realization of the Reality of the Self as the Oneness of All That is.

“The ego, or more accurately, the belief that one is the ego, obscures the Realization of the Reality of the Self as the Oneness of All That is. The dissolution of the ego results in liberation from the bondage of the illusions that create suffering.” ~ David R. Hawkins

24. To truly know love is to know and understand God.

“To understand the nature of God, it is necessary only to know the nature of love itself. To truly know love is to know and understand God; and to know God is to understand love.” ~ David R. Hawkins

25. The advance of truth doesn’t necessarily bring tranquil waters.

“The advance of truth doesn’t necessarily bring tranquil waters. In fact, it can disturb things for a while. You now have a new paradigm, and inherent in it is the downfall of the old.” ~ David R. Hawkins

26. Keep your mind silent.

“Don’t call it anything, don’t label it anything. Keep your mind silent. You stay in touch with whatever you are experiencing, and you let go of resisting it. You are going to experience it, you are going to decompress it. You can do that with pain and any kind of suffering. The suffering is due to the resistance. If you keep surrendering to it you will undo it. You let go of resisting the depression. You got to sit down and go through it. You’re holding a baggage of it. The way to let go of a thing is to sit down and completely surrender to the energy of it. Don’t label it depression. You don’t have depression. Don’t label it lower feelings or any euphemism. Go into the phenomena itself. Don’t resist the phenomena, because there is only so much of it. Its like a compressed energy thing. And as you stay in touch with it and experience it out, it will come to an end. Because it is not unlimited.” — Dr. David Hawkins

27. The willingness to forgive others is reflected in our own capacity for self-forgiveness and acceptance.

“The willingness to forgive others is reflected in our own capacity for self-forgiveness and acceptance.” ~ Dr. David Hawkins

28. Surrender is a constant process of not resisting or clinging to the moment.

“Surrender is a constant process of not resisting or clinging to the moment but instead, continuously turning it over to God. The attention is thus focused on the process of letting go and not on the content of the ‘what’ that is being surrendered.”

29. No sacrifice is too great in order to realize the presence of God.

“There is absolutely nothing in ordinary human experience to compare with the joy of the presence of the Love of God. No sacrifice is too great nor effort too much in order to realize that Presence.”

30. The true destiny of man is to realize the truth of the divinity of one’s source and creator.

“The true destiny of man is to realize the truth of the divinity of one’s source and creator which is ever present within that which has been created and is the creator of the Self.”

31. The world of the ego is like a house of mirrors through which the ego wanders, lost and confused.

“The world of the ego is like a house of mirrors through which the ego wanders, lost and confused, as it chases the images in one mirror after another. Human life is characterized by endless trials and errors to escape the maze. At times, for many people, and possibly for most, the world of mirrors becomes a house of horrors that gets worse and worse. The only way out of the circuitous wanderings is through the pursuit of spiritual truth.”

32. What you resist, persists.

“That which you resist stays.”

33. Humility is the greatest virtue.

“With humility one can see that the mind is limited and incapable of seeing all the circumstances surrounding any event. Out of this arises the willingness to let go of condemnation and judgment.”

34. A spiritual attitude leads one to be friendly, kind, and well meaning to all life.

“A spiritual attitude leads one to be friendly, kind, and well meaning to all life. … not as a compulsive must or a religious rule, but out of a greater awareness of the value of all life.”

35. Like the sun, the inner Self is always shining.

“Like the sun, the inner Self is always shining, but because of negative clouds, we do not experience it. It is not necessary to program oneself with the truth; it is only necessary to remove that which is false. The removal of the clouds from the sky to illuminate the negative allows one to experience the energy fields of that which is positive. It is only the removal of the negative that is necessary-the willingness to let go of the habits of negative thinking. The removal of the obstacles to the experiencing of this will result in an increasing sense of aliveness and a joy of one’s own existence.”

36. Be passionate for God, not for belief systems.

“Be passionate for God, not for belief systems. That is the only real decision that has to be made and can be applied to any and all situations. The question is always whether to be at the effect of the world or aligned with the Truth of God instead. The search for enlightenment is different from that of seeking worldly success.”

37. At first, spiritual purification seems difficult, but eventually, it becomes natural.

“At first, spiritual purification seems difficult, but eventually, it becomes natural. To consistently choose love, peace, or forgiveness leads one out of the house of mirrors. The joy of God is so exquisite that any sacrifice is worth the effort and seeming pain.”

38. All reactions to life are subjective.

“When we stop identifying with events ‘out there’ and giving them power over our lives, then we experience an inner serenity as a consequence of having transcended the world.”

“All reactions to life are subjective. There is nothing happening that is awful, exciting, sad, good, or bad. It is pointless to hold a position that catastrophes shouldn’t “happen” or that the innocent didn’t deserve it, or isn’t it awful, or it must be somebody’s fault. With a broad view, one can remain unperturbed by either the content or the context of life. That requires giving up judgments, expectations, or sensitivities.”

39. Out of all-inclusive, unconditional compassion comes the healing of all mankind.

“Out of all-inclusive, unconditional compassion comes the healing of all mankind.”

40. The goal of society and the goal of enlightenment are not the same.

“The goal of society in general is to succeed in the world, whereas the goal of enlightenment is to transcend beyond it.”

Source: AWAKEN


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