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Kundalini Yoga Kriya: To Relieve Inner Anger

by Yogi Bhajan: “When the inverted anger becomes part of the body, the simple effect is that you have absolutely no relationship with your Self…

awaken-Kundalini Yoga Kriya: To Relieve Inner Anger

Inferiority complex or superiority complex are a cover-up of inner anger. Manipulation and lying are parts of inner anger. Not being self-sustaining or having a foundation to work it out is an inner anger. Misbehavior, wrong calculation, self-destruction, destroying the business, destroying the relationship are all inner anger…

On the other hand, anger comes from the place of the Agaan Granthi. It is the area of the heart, it is the blood, it is the circulation, it is the diaphragm, it is the heart pumping. The whole life depends on it. So in the center of the heart is a furnace. Either it can cook for you or it can burn down your house and there is nothing in between. That is the tragedy of it.”
-Yogi Bhajan

1. Lie down flat on your back in a relaxed posture with your arms at your sides, palms up, and your legs slightly apart. Pretend to snore. Continue for 1 1/2 minutes.

2. Still lying on your back, keep your legs out straight and raise both legs up 6 inches from the floor and hold for 2 minutes (if necessary, you may place your hands under the buttocks to support the lower back). This exercise is said to balance anger. It pressurizes the navel to balance the entire system.

3. Remaining in the posture with your legs up at 6 inches, stick out your tongue and do Breath of Fire[1] through your mouth. Continue for 1 1/2 minutes.

4. Still lying on your back, lift your legs up to 90 degrees with your arms on the ground by your sides. Begin to beat the ground with your hands with all the anger you can achieve. Beat hard and fast. Continue for 2 1/2 minutes.

5. Still on your back, bring your knees to your chest and wrap your arms around them. Stick your tongue out. Inhale through your open mouth and exhale through your nose. Continue for 2 minutes.

6. Sit in Celibate Pose: begin by sitting on the heels then spread the feet far enough apart so that your hips will fit between them. Moving slowly, sit down on the floor with your feet on either side of your hips. Cross your arms over your chest and press them hard against your rib cage. Bend forward and touch your forehead to the floor as if you are bowing and then come back up. For 2 1/2 minutes move at a pace of approximately 30 bows per minute, then for another 30 seconds speed up and move as fast as you can.

7. Sit with your legs straight out in front of you. Begin to beat all parts of your body with open palms. Move fast. Continue for 2 minutes.

8. Stand up and bend forward, keeping your back parallel to the ground. Let your arms and hands hang down loosely. Remain in this posture and sing for 3 minutes. (In class, Yogi Bhajan played a tape of Guru, Guru, Wahe Guru, Guru Ram Das Guru.)

9A. Continue singing and come into Cobra Pose: Lie down on the stomach, placing the hands on the ground underneath the shoulders. Lift the chest and heart up first, and let the head follow as you lean back and arch up. Try to straighten the arms but don’t overarch the lower back. Hold the posture for 1 minute with normal breath.

9B. Still in Cobra Pose, begin circling your neck, as you continue singing. Continue for 30 seconds.

9C. Still in Cobra Pose, begin kicking the ground with alternate feet. Continue for 30 seconds.

10. Sit in Easy Pose and close your eyes. Stretch your arms over your head, keeping the elbows straight and the palms together. Interlock your fingers except the index fingers which are pointing straight up. Begin Sat Kriya in Easy Pose: chant Sat as you squeeze the Navel Point in and up. Chant Nam as you release it. Continue for 1 minute 15 seconds.

11. Lie down in Corpse Pose (on your back with arms by your sides, palms face up) and nap for 5 minutes.

Awaken Yoga

Awaken Mind

Awaken Spirit

Source: AWAKEN


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