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Spiritual Grounding Techniques!

by Colette Baron-Reid: Have you ever experienced a time in your life when it seemed like no matter what happened around you, you had a sense of peace, calm, and contentment that couldn’t be shaken?


This feeling of solidity and an emotional well-being that isn’t rocked by the events of life or the world is what it means to experience spiritual groundedness. 

Being spiritually grounded doesn’t mean you never experience a heavy or difficult emotion. It doesn’t mean things are always easy or that you’re not affected by the world around you. Instead, it means that whatever is happening outside of yourself, you know how to access a place of calm, peaceful serenity and groundedness that isn’t contingent on outside circumstances.

When you’re spiritually grounded, it’s like being firmly rooted with both feet on the earth. You have a sense of clarity and resilience. An inner knowing that no matter what life throws your way, you can find joy and peace within yourself.

Why do you need to be spiritually grounded?

You might be tired of hearing about it by now, but we truly are living in unprecedented times. In the last two years, the world as we know it has entered into a disruptive cycle of chaos. A global pandemic, one of the greatest social justice movements in history, natural disasters, and more. All of these events have meant we’re living in a time of constant upheaval.

It’s no wonder that self-reported stress and anxiety levels are at an all-time high. No matter how you personally have been impacted by the recent events of the world, there’s no denying that we are in the midst of a massive collective awakening.

Now more than ever, we need grounding techniques to help us find our center as we answer the call to be accountable for change. We need practical tools and approaches that allow us to come back to ourselves and not be swayed in the wind with every piece of news or every bit of change that happens in our outer reality.

It is essential in these times to learn how to align ourselves spiritually and stay grounded regardless of our outer circumstances.

Spiritual groundedness makes us more resilient

As human beings, we have the capacity to hold and withstand so much. But in times of stress, we often make the mistake of thinking it is up to us alone to bear the weight of the world and all of our problems.

We often forget that we aren’t in this alone – Spirit ( universe, God, etc.) is here protecting us, guiding us, and working alongside us at all times. We have a spiritual partnership (which is actually our primary relationship) that’s here to help us.

When it feels like all of your problems are yours alone to manage and when you feel the longing to help and serve in a world that is in pain, it can be incredibly overwhelming. It’s natural to get flooded with feelings of anxiety and to feel defeated.

But when you return to spiritual grounding practices, you can be reminded that you aren’t in this alone. This can be an essential means to self-care. Creating this conscious relationship with your higher power increases your capacity to deal with life and to find resilience in even the most challenging times. We learn that we must find inner support and healing in order to participate in the call to change the external.

Aligning your energies for more spiritual groundedness

Many cultures and traditions reflect a mind/body/ spirit structure that describes seven main themes about life. These themes correspond to 7 different energies within each of us. When these energies are in alignment, they all work together to form a coherent sense of well-being.

There are seemingly countless references to the spiritual and mystical significance of number 7 – from 7 heavens, to 7 spiritual laws, 7 colors of the rainbow, 7 chakras, the 7 musical notes of the C scale, the esoteric 7 rays, and even lucky number 7 on slot machines in casinos!

Suffice to say, the concept of 7 Energies is based on the seven dimensions of life and the core life themes all of us experience. These themes show up in the stories we tell ourselves and other people, consciously or unconsciously. So, in short, there are seven main stories that make up our lives.

Using this as a reference, you can say that every person has certain energies that guide their lives to make them stronger or to cause challenges. And each energy has some key concepts associated with it.

Feelings of stress, fear and anxiety around common themes like money, family, survival, stability, and the material world (in other words, the root of most of our anxieties) are attributed to Energy One.

Many of the best grounding techniques for anxiety are practices that help balance and align the first energy.

The first energy might be out of alignment if we’re stuck in the stress response of Fight / Flight/ Freeze.

If you feel like your safety, security and abundance come solely from a sense of certainty about the outer conditions of the world remaining according to your expectations, you might need to balance your first energy.

When this feeling of certainty is challenged, the way it has been for a while now with everything going on in the world, uncertainty becomes more prevalent (and rehearsed!). In this situation, we need to find an alternative sense of stability and resilience.

In order to experience life in a way where our feeling of groundedness and peace isn’t swayed by every little thing that happens outside of us, we have to balance and align our first energy.

When we begin to look at our lives and what we have in terms of the value of our relationships, our contributions on the planet, our inspirations, and our connection to all of life we can experience groundedness regardless of our outer conditions.

One very accessible tool you can use to experience more groundedness and balance your first energy is meditation. This guided meditation is designed to help you experience a sense of spiritual groundedness regardless of the state of your life or things happening in your outer world.

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Source: AWAKEN


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