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Flowing Down The River Of Life – Sandra Ingerman

by Sandra Ingerman: Over the years I have mostly used two metaphors to describe much of what I teach and write about…


In recent years I have been writing about building an inner landscape/inner garden filled with beauty, love, light, and harmony so that your inner world informs you on a new perception of life.

In years past, when I wrote A Fall to Grace in 1997, I kept referring back to the river of life. For in reality we are all flowing down the river of life through the smooth and turbulent waves. We often disturb our flow by trying to move against the river of life resisting the flow of nature. We hold onto our outcomes and judgements that keep rocking our boat preventing us from surrendering to the flow of life. And we often try to follow the flow of others journeys instead of letting go to our own flow.

In October I had very deep visionary experiences as I am still feeling a need to go deep within and reflect on all that is happening in my life and in the world.

It is so evident to me that I stepped out of my own flow as I entered into the chaotic flow of others and the collective. I experienced how water carves out rocks into amazing beings of beauty. But there cannot be any resistance to the sculpting process as it is all part of life and evolution.

I witnessed how I lost my connection with the heartbeat of the Earth as I allowed myself to keep up the frantic pace that has removed me from the true vibration of the Earth and nature. For nature’s frequency and vibration is actually quite slow. This moving too fast in life is impacting the power of our work as our speed has removed us from the flow of the river of life.

I love ice cream so the helping spirits gave me a fun metaphor to describe the initiation experiences we are all going through. They said we have been put into ice cream makers to churn us into new flavors. This initiatory and evolutionary experience brings us fuller into the beautiful river of life with all its twists and turns.

I was told to return my energy into a harmonious flow I should carve out some time everyday to relax into the true rhythm of the Earth. The guidance was to drum everyday versus listening to drumming. What was shared is that all the drumming tracks we listen to actually creates a disembodied experience. It is important to really connect with the vibration of the drum which then  connects me to the true heartbeat of the Earth.

I was shown that all the initiations we are going through are to help us move with how the Earth is evolving. I had the beautiful experience of speaking to the Earth as she shared with me her next step of evolution.

The Earth told me that she is moving into a more luminescent body with less density so that eventually she will be very balanced as a light filled form. Everything in nature including humans will be more luminous and a lot less dense. What this will do is transform us into beings who are equal light and form allowing us to flow more gracefully and shifting our consciousness to a new way of being.

These are just some of the insights I have been getting. This is a very rich time for me on a spiritual level.Awaken

Reflect on what I shared about flow and rhythm. Does this speak to you? If it it does drop into your inner knowing and make changes to your life that allow you to move freely with the river of life. Look at how you resist the natural flow. Find your own rhythm and truth and stop trying to compare your experience. For you are in your own unique flow.

Allow the river of life to take you to a place that your mind cannot embrace yet, but your spirit knows. Let your heart and life be your river guide.

In November many people celebrate the holiday of Thanksgiving. Let’s make every day a day of thanks for our lives and for of all of life.

The full moon is on November 12. Reflect on what I shared about a new Earth forming – one less dense in form. Keep up your transfiguration practice to allow yourself to drop into your luminous being. Slow down when you perform your spiritual work so you are aligned and attuned to nature and the heartbeat of the Earth. Radiate your light and let it flow freely embracing all of life and the Earth.

If you are a new reader of The Transmutation News please visit Creating A Web of Light on the homepage to read the instructions for our full moon ceremony.

Life is a ceremony. Ceremony is a sacred act. Let’s bring back the sacred into how we live our lives.


About a year ago I was asked by Sounds True to write a short chapter about my love story with my cat Smokey who is now deceased.

The new book is now available! It is titled The Karma of Cats edited by Diana Ventimiglia with an introduction by Seane Corn.

It is such a sweet book. I hope all you cat lovers will check it out.

It has chapters written by a wealth of authors including Rachel Naomi Remen and Brother David Stendl-Rast.

I have been sharing with you that my Medicine for the Earth and Healing with Spiritual Light Training that Sounds True filmed last year will go live November 11. The filming came out so well and online participants will have the gift of being welcomed into a powerful circle! Even the staff at Sounds True shared with me that this is the most transformative course they have ever worked on.

I am excited for those of you who can sign up for the course as I am on sabbatical from traveling. This course will give you the opportunity to really dive deep into this life changing work.

And of course I am thrilled that this course will be available for many years to come bringing people of multiple generations into this powerful way of healing ourselves and the planet.

Sounds True is offering the course at a very low price. The course will be 8 sessions. Two sessions will be a time for participants to share experiences and ask me questions. I am delighted that I will have the opportunity to interact with the circle who signs up.

There will be an opt-in gift of session 1 as well as other bonus gifts offered.

Stay tuned for the special announcement we will be sending out on November 1st as we launch this exciting course.

Please join Renee Baribeau and me on The Shamans Cave. It  is an exciting opportunity for me  to continue to share inspiration, shamanic practices and ceremonies. I hope you will subscribe.

The Shamans Cave has been a joyful and powerful way for me to continue teaching and contributing to the shamanic community.

For more information on our podcast schedule, other details, and to watch our archived podcasts please visit:

All my books and audio programs are filled with deep wisdom and helpful tools to improve the quality of your life and give wonderful suggestions of how we can be in greater service in the world.

To order my books and audio programs please visit:

Join author, soul healer, shamanic practitioner, and spiritual teacher Steven Farmer as he shares about the various ancestors that can serve as your spirit allies, how they can assist you in your life, ways you can call on them, and how you may uniquely perceive their messages.

Source: AWAKEN


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