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Is Long Hair Making Us More Intuitive?

by PL Chang: Back in the old days and the ancient times, many cultures embraced people with long hair, because they believed that long hair was a sign of strength and spiritual maturity…


The Native Americans and the Chinese are just a few examples of the many cultures that value long hair, which was why the men and women of these cultures back then rarely cut their hair.

Even though back then many cultures believed that having long hair was beneficial to the body, is there evidence today that supports the belief that long hair can make a person more intuitive?

How long hair can make you more intuitive

If you study Nature deeply enough, you should know that Nature would never create something that has no role to play in the evolution of a system, such as the human body.

Once you comprehend this, you should know that the human hair isn’t only for looks, but also plays specific roles for helping the human body to function at its optimal level.

One of the ways that your hair helps your body to perform better is by acting like an antenna to help you sense the energy of your environment more effectively. This is why when you are scared, all the short hair on your body point straight up, strengthening your intuitive senses.

Hair can be viewed as an extension of the nervous system, because it has the ability to absorb information in the environment and then transmit it to the brain for processing.

Besides absorbing information, hair also has the ability to emit energy patterns and frequencies into the environment. This has been seen in hair experiments that involve Kirlian photography.

Many spiritual gurus believe that having long hair can help stimulate the kundalini energy in the body more effectively, which in turn causes an increase in vitality, intuition, and tranquility. Could this be one the main reasons why women are more intuitive than men?

One of the most effective ways to stimulate the kundalini energy in your body is through positive sexual intercourse. During sexual intercourse, both sexual partners are constantly exchanging sexual energy, causing the kundalini energy to rise towards the brain.

Once the kundalini energy of one of the partners reaches the climax state, he or she will usually experience an orgasm. The sexual energy that is transferred during sex is important for balancing the masculine and feminine energy.

However, negative sexual intercourse, such as rape, violent sex, or uncaring sex often causes sexual energy blockages, leading to sexual problems.

Because hair acts like an antenna, it is my belief that pubic hair allows sexual energy to transfer between sexual partners more efficiently. This can lead to better sexual experiences and a stronger bond between sexual partners.

The negative effects of cutting your hair

Centuries ago, many cultures discouraged people to cut their hair, because they viewed long hair as a sign of health, beauty, strength, freedom, and spiritual maturity. Because of these views, both of the sex of these cultures kept their hair long and often cut the hair of their enemies as a sign of slavery and to weakened their intuitive senses.

The Controllers (the Elites) are also aware of the health benefits of long hair, which is why they support the idea of keeping the hair of the male population short.

This is why when men join the military, which is a corporation controlled by the Controllers, they are required to cut their hair very short. Most people in the military will often tell the common people that when men join the military, they are required to cut their hair very short due to safety or health reasons.

Those claims may be true but the convert reasons for requiring them to cut their hair very short are to weaken their intuitive senses and to mark them as slaves of the military-industrial complex.

As described at

As whole tribes or societies were conquered, cut hair became so prevalent that the importance of hair was lost after a few generations, and hairstyles and fashion grew to be the focus.

The science of hair was one of the first technologies given by Yogi Bhajan when he came to America.

“When the hair on your head is allowed to attain its full, mature length, then phosphorous, calcium, andvitamin D are all produced, and enter the lymphatic fluid, and eventually the spinal fluid through the two ducts on the top of the brain. This ionic change creates more efficient memory and leads to greater physicalenergy, improved stamina, and patience.”

Yogi Bhajan explained that if you choose to cut your hair, you not only lose this extra energy and nourishment, but your body must then provide a great amount of vital energy and nutrients to continually re-grow the missing hair.

In addition, hairs are the antennas that gather and channel the sun energy or prana to the frontal lobes, the part of the brain you use for meditation and visualization. These antennas act as conduits to bring you greater quantities of subtle, cosmic energy. It takes approximately three years from the last time your hair was cut for new antennas to form at the tips of the hair.

Why the Native Americans back then kept their hair long

Some hair researchers suggested that during the Vietnam War, certain special forces of the United States military were ordered to infiltrate the reservations of Native Americans to look for men with amazing tracking abilities.

They found that many Native American men had extraordinary tracking abilities, but after they were recruited and their hair was cut short, they lost their extraordinary tracking abilities.

When asked about their lack of tracking performance, the Native American men often replied that their intuition no longer was reliable, because they lost the ability to effectively communicate with their intuition.

Whether this experiment is true or not is hard to say. However, when you study how hair works beyond conventional methods, it becomes clear that hair does play an important role for helping the body to sense the energy of the environment.


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