9/27/12 by Meg Blackburn Losey, Ph.D.: Greetings to each of you. Yes, it has been way too long. This work has taken me into many corners of the world and there is so much to tell you it is hard to know where to start! This newsletter is longer than usual so that we can catch up! The energies of late have been very interesting. A lot of people’s stuff is up big time front and center. I am noticing a trend toward self centeredness and on the flip side, some trying to make others responsible for their stuff. If you are one of those having these particular experiences, remember to have compassion. Often others lash out because they are in pain.
The energies also seem to be affecting our sense of time. Time is doing very strange things the past few weeks. It may seem to move way too fast or not move at all for a while. This is because we are having dimensional overlaps. And what I call “bleed throughs”. These days when I look “out there” I no longer see specific locations, but instead, all dimensions at once. It is very powerful when you don’t stop to try and think it out.
The energies are working as fractals and as double helixes, two streams wrapping together to create a holographic whole. When you can get completely present and let go of yourself, you can become that helix. When you do, the effects are unbelievable powerful and effective.
Are your dreams bizarre lately? I’ll be they are! Dream time is getting very real and detailed. Many are processing their daytime stuff at night with strange and surreal storylines, and yet, somehow, it all makes sense. Some of the dream time stuff lately is very prophetic. Others speak to our giftedness and how we often reject it due to our fears while other dreams seem to simply work through what we don’t know how to do in the day time. A great things to do especially right now is to journal your dreams. They are in fact telling you vital things about yourself and those around you!
There is also at times, a sense of dissociation, or lack of groundedness. If you are having a hard time staying in your body you are not alone! If you are finding yourself checking out in undesirable places, that can be unsafe. It is a great idea to stay aware of ourselves at all times. If that feeling of what I call “leaping” starts coming on, make sure you are in a safe place and not behind the wheel of your car or heavy machinery! LOL. I realize that sometimes we can’t help it and that there are certain places that seek to trigger this experience, just know that while it is very cool to do, your physical bodies need to be safe.
This summer I was traveling extensively. I spent almost a month in the UK, in Scotland and England. We had a great group for the crop circle journey and we experienced some powerful circles this year. One trend this year was a building on to existing circles. Two of them that I know of were done in series of three parts. One the first night then in ensuing nights, other parts were added. These particular circles did not feel man made. In fact they had such high harmonics that it was almost hard to feel them from a human perspective. There were a large number of “Spoof” circles this year that were sloppy and obviously not made from other dimensional forces. Often times when there are obviously man made circles they are still elegant and near perfect. This year it was like someone or several someone’s were out there discrediting the authentic phenomenon. There was also a farmer mowing down the insides of several of the crop circles. While this was very annoying and to me, a sacrilege, at the same time, I felt that it was part of that polarity. When there is authentic light, so will there be opposing forces. The week after the group left there were some amazing circles.
I spent the following week in Avalon (aka Glastonbury) exploring the deep pagan and Druidic traditions as well as my very soul. I spent hours sitting on the hills at the Glastonbury Abbey. It is a place steeped in rich history but there is much more than that just below the surface there. It was regenerating and peaceful. The Chalice well was also a place of nurturing and regeneration as well as a doorway to what has been. There is something very special that happens when we walk through the garden gate. It is like stepping back in time. Once, I jumped back off of the sidewalk as an ethereal King Arthur came thundering up on a white horse, headed for the well. It was so real it was mind blowing. On those days it was uncovered and there were no fences. The well is said to have held the chalice that Jesus used at the last supper (The Holy Grail) and that is why the water in the well flows red.
From England I flew to Bosnia to explore the Bosnian Pyramids. Yes, they are real and to my observation, the oldest known pyramid site so far discovered on this planet. I spent a lot of time climbing the various pyramids and other structures in the valley, witnessed an ancient footprint in stone, traveled around with the resident archeologist, Ricardo, who is from Italy, and time with Sam Osmanagich, the scientist who not only discovered the site, but is excavating it as well. Sam is aware of the importance of the energies of the area and so is very careful to leave artifacts in place so as not to damage the energy grid.
The energies there are unlike any I have ever encountered. They are sweet, balancing, healing, and more. I spent a lot of time in the tunnels. In the 100 plus temperatures, the constant 12 degrees centigrade in the tunnels was a relief. But there was so much more there. The negative ion readings in the tunnels are 43 to 200 times normal. This is extremely healing. Also, the tunnels are emitting ultrasound, another healing energy. These are measurable and scientifically proven. There are artifacts in the tunnels that are in a level of sediment that dates back 32,500 years ago and are made of get this, ceramic! Each of these marks underground water flows or change in direction of the water. In one case, there is a fork in the underground stream, and the ceramic, which is megalithic in size, has split exactly as the water has. These ceramic artifacts are strange and beautiful all at once. At first they look like huge rocks but when you look closer, you realize there is much more going on.
At the entrance to the tunnel, not too far in, there is a large rock that is carved in rune writing. The current interpretation based upon historic language studies, says something like “The Gate is closed. We must continue to defend and conquer until the Star Gate is open again”. The tunnels were filled in about 5,000 years ago and sealed off. No one knows why but even the fill is a mystery.
All the while I was in Bosnia, I became more energized, my body responded to the healing energies of the tunnels and the pyramids. Several months later I still feel fantastic! I was so impressed with the energies there that I have worked out a special guided trip with Sam. We will be in Bosnia Sept 1-9, 2013. The cost of this trip is unbelievably low and I hope that you can come with me. Sam will be our guide. We will also be taking two different day trips one to see the huge mysterious stone spheres there and another to medjugorje where the Blessed Mother continues to appear to villagers. This is a site of great pilgrimage and it will be a phenomenal day, an enriching journey altogether. At the end of the journey will be a conference where I will be joining Dr. Sam, Philip Coppens and Klaus Donna to talk about the pyramids, the archeology, the consciousness and more!
My 2012 Peru trip is fast approaching. Due to a few cancellations I have spaces to offer you if you haven’t yet registered. We will be starting out at Lake Titicaca and doing ceremony in many of the sacred areas near the lake. We will also be visiting the Aramu Muru Doorway. It is said that Aramu Muru appeared out of this portal bearing the solar disk, which he gave to the Incan People. This disk became their most sacred object and is now hidden in the waters of Lake Titicaca. From there we will travel into Bolivia to Tiahuanaca and Puma Punku, some of the strangest sites on the planet. Later, we will travel to Cusco, then the Urabamba Valley and one to Machu Picchu where we will be for 12/21/12, the day of the actual planetary alignment. I couldn’t think of a better place to be. If you are interested in coming with us, you MUST register NO LATER than October 15th. After that date any unused rooms have to be released to others. No exceptions. I have had these rooms reserved for a year and a half!
And speaking of trips, I am currently putting together a Magdalene/Templar journey to France. More info coming shortly watch for announcements and a posting on my web schedule!
My book “The Art of Living Out Loud How to Leave Behind Your Baggage and Pain to Become a Happy, Whole, Perfect Human Being with Unlimited Potential” This is a sassy book with great life tools that will teach you how to be free of fear, worry and more while finding the perfect and magnificent you!
I have a very exciting announcement! I am currently taking registrations for the 2013 Touching the Light Certification classes that I am teaching! If you would like to learn how to be a healer who can cross dimensions, be effective, and at the same time, more aware of yourself and even how to use your consciousness free from the human perspective, then you will not want to miss my classes! Ur current ones are going fabulously and my first group of students will soon be certified! New this year, if you can’t travel, or the idea of travel puts you out of the financial ballpark to attend class, or you live in a far away land, no worries at all! In 2013 the Touching the Light program is available online too! Attend class with us LIVE via the internet or if times zones prohibit that, watch recorded segments of class at your leisure! These online classes carry the SAME certification as being there in person. Although I still (as do my students) recommend coming in person, now you have an option to be with us! Information is available athttp://www.touchingthelight.org. I will be posting the actual schedule this winter after I know how many students to plan for. I hope to see you there whether in person or online with me!
And finally but also valuable, all along my travels I have been hand selecting and purchasing amazing new items for my web store. You know I work diligently to find items of special energy and quality all of the time. Recently I have added a large number of Native American ceremonial items, medicine bags, prayer feathers, smudge wands and feathers, very special wands with excellent quality crystals, large power crystals such as Lemurian Golden Healers (quantity is limited on these) smoky quartz, which is great for absorbing negative energies in the environment, rattles, dream catchers (more of these coming in the next week or two) and more.
To all of you, my heart. Without you I wouldn’t have much to do! Wishing you joy in your hearts, laughter in your days and love in everything you do!
Meg Blackburn Losey, Ph.D.