Self-Transcendence is the highest form of development for a human being.
The Self-Transcendence tier was added above the Self-Actualization tier in Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs by Maslow near the end of his life, but it was never widely published. In this video, I cover what Self-Transcendence entails, as well as why Maslow felt the urge to add this tier to the top of the Hierarchy of Needs. I think it is very important to emphasize that so many different models of human development have a form of self-transcendence at the top (Spiral Dynamics, EDT, etc.), and it motivates me to grow myself to the point where I reach this tier and my life becomes about helping people. This very reason is why my channel is so heavily about spirituality as well. The more people that are embodying the Self-Transcendence Tier, the better of humanity will be. Humanity needs actualized people