by Katie Morton: This post is based on the book titled 10 Secrets of Extraordinary...
by Sarah Klein: Flaunting a bootylicious rear end is nothing new — but never have...
by Peter Diamandis: Exercise is the single most important pro-longevity activity you can undertake. Sarah Klein: So you want more defined quads, hamstrings, glutes and calves in 2015,...
Maranda Pleasant: What makes you come alive? Shifu Yan Lei: The world of Western traditional physical exercise is beginning to catch...
by Alexandra Mackenzie: Ashtanga is a traditional style of yoga that can be broken into...
by Mark Hyman, MD: Eat better, sleep more, exercise more, learn more, love more, love...
by Deepak Chopra: Success and abundance are desirable things, yet the path to achieving them,...
by Peter Diamandis: What’s the science behind the aging process? How can it empower you...
by Peter Diamandis: What can you do TODAY to add 10, 20, or even 30...
by Roger Gabriel: The word meditation covers a wide list of activities and conjures up...
Donna Quesada: I think that is what is often lost when we approach healing is...
Donna Quesada: You are speaking about an issue that is close to my heart. For...
Donna Quesada: Well, Dr. Ornish, it’s a pleasure to have you with us this morning...
by Shana Lebowitz: Sure, hiking the Appalachian Trail is an experience no one ever forgets… Abigail Wise: From the 2,500-mile Pacific Crest Bicycle Trail to the colorful RAGBRAI across...
by Becky Garrison: Set against the backdrop of nature, the back-and-forth motion of kayaking, the...
by Ocean Robbins: And now, the least click-baity opening sentence in the history of the...
Although some of the data in this post is dated it still has pertinent information...
by The Huffington Post: “I came to the Greeks early, and I found answers in...
by Laura McMullen, Jennifer Aniston’s yoga teacher: Whose body is more scrutinized than that of...
By Dorene Internicola: For modern, harried lifestyles focused on getting and spending, fitness experts say...