by Ocean Robbins: In 1976, a man named Xavier Roberts attended a local craft fair,...
by Amanda Carter: Wheel Pose (Urdhva Dhanurasana) is a full body position that requires both...
by Ocean Robbins: If you’re a fan of conspiracy theories, you’ll love the one about...
by B. David Zarley: Recent and upcoming trials are examining how psychedelics may help treat...
by Dr. Mark Hyman: Here’s the not-so-sweet truth. We are killings ourselves by consuming truckloads...
by Jezreel Lopez: Magnesium is an essential mineral that plays a vital role in human...
Starting your kids off leaning and doing yoga will be a life long benefit to...
Hatha yoga is mainly an umbrella term for all types of physical yoga practices. Bikram...
by Larry Kenney: Heat waves are becoming supercharged as the climate changes – lasting longer,...
So what is the major difference between Hatha and Vinyasa? Ocean Robbins: Malted Milk, a powder consisting of dried malted barley, wheat flour, and...
If you are a person who enjoys a lovely smelling home or if you are...
by Mathew Green: When an elderly Lakota woman limped into the medical tent, one foot...
by Emma Morrison: Living your life with a greater awareness and intention is something we...
Newly published research from BYU exercise science researchers reveals critical, rare data detailing the severity...
by Aimee Gallo: Mix more magnesium into your diet, and you may be surprised how...
by Michael Shermer: Are consciousness, free will and God insoluble mysteries?
...At 190 years old, Jonathan the Seychelles giant tortoise recently made news for being the...
Spring and summer are prime seasons for fresh blueberries… Susan Williams: Breath is an important part of yoga. Through your breath, you can...
by Derma E: Collagen is a protein that’s needed for joint and skin health… Lauren Oster: From kelp burgers to bacon of the sea, sustainable food entrepreneurs are...