Articles for: Health & Wellness

by Alisa Bauman: We sent three yogis to the lab to test the theory that...

In this video Dr. Jeffery Martin shares what our scientific research with over 1,000 people...

by Sarah Regan: Of all the yoga poses out there, there’s a reason pigeon pose...

by Dr. Andrew Weil: Does Weight Lifting protect the brain?


Donna Quesada shares the importance of breaking free from victim consciousness and closes with a...

by Jordan Gray: Let’s face it… we all love taking short cuts. And, if we...

A man named Bernardo LaPallo is over 110 years old, although most would think he...

by Rose Hoffmann: Between watching the FIFA World Cup and attending the 2014 Wimbledon Men’s...

Interview with Ellen Langer: Is getting old inevitable, or do we have a choice? The...

Gopi Kallayil: The trend toward enlightened thinking in the high-tech world yields wisdom for all...

by Susan Pinker: The Italian island of Sardinia has more than six times as many...

by Dr. Valerie V. Hunt: The human energy field both permeates the entire body and...

James Bedsole’s in depth interview with futurist, inventor and author of The Singularity Is Near:...

Women from Japan are considered to be beautiful, youthful, and they owe it to the...

by Ed and Deb Shapiro: Everyone gets in arguments—even theDalai Lama says so! So how...

by Crystal Davis: Until a few years ago, honey and lemon drinks were something I...

**Please be advised that you should properly research how to fast if it’s something you...

New platform holds the promise to drive progress in the development of senolytic anti-aging compounds...

Angamardhana, a fitness system rooted in yoga, offers everyone the opportunity to invigorate the body...

by Walter Deriggio: Cellular DNA endures relentless injury through internal and external factors…


The last 2,000 years we’ve been taught to search for the Divine outside of ourselves…


The Chinese characters for Tai Chi Chuan can be translated as the ‘Supreme Ultimate Force’.


by Amanda MacMillan: Proteins are known as the building blocks of life:


by David Deida: For the Masculine, death and sex are inextricably interwoven; that is, good...