Articles for: Health & Wellness

by Gabrielle Taylor: There are some ingredients I cook with so often I can never...

By Dr. Edward F. Group: Believe it or not, there are dietary choices you can...

Donna Quesada shares some words about trauma, the role of spirituality in facilitating the healing...

by Samantha Cullen: As a single woman living on my own, I often feel the...

by Dr. Paul Haider: Smell has a powerful effect on the body! Powerful smells from...

by Kira M. Newman: Mindful people might be happier because they cultivate non-judgmental awareness of...

Peter Diamandis: You very literally are what you eat.


by Edie Horstman: There’s no time like the present…


by Dr. Danielle Harel and Celeste Hirschman M.A.: We recently received a question from one...

by Sarah Klein: So you want more defined quads, hamstrings, glutes and calves in 2015,...

by Dr Kai Swigart: Depression, the most prevalent perturbation, the world’s largest disability; can be...

by Bernie SiegelM.D.: Dear God, First I want to thank You for answering my previous...

“The pleasure of living and the pleasure of the orgasm are identical. Extreme orgasm anxiety...

by Laura Caseley: No one needs to tell you how great shoes are. They keep...

In this side-splitting and penetrating expose’, Jon Stewart hammers the food industry for turning our...

by Jaime Leal Anaya: Interconnectedness between human beings is most clearly seen today in the...

Maranda Pleasant: What makes you come alive?


Louise L. Hay is a bestselling author, speaker and inspirational teacher whose healing techniques, affirmations...

by Gregg Prescott: Does coconut water have a magical effect as everyone claims?


by Shifu Yan Lei: The world of Western traditional physical exercise is beginning to catch...

by Joshua Corn: Are you concerned about maintaining the health of your brain as you...

by Josh Richardson: More than 350 peer-reviewed research studies on the Transcendental Meditation (TM) technique...

Keep your body in an alkaline state; then you will have fewer chances to suffer...

by Margot Anand: During the fifties, Psychologist Abraham Maslow, who developed the concept of “peak...