Articles for: Health & Wellness

If you’re an avid Brussels sprouts hater, scientists claim your dislike may be written in...

Donna Quesada: I think that is what is often lost when we approach healing is...

by Tracy Matfin: The ordinary way of living modern day life is clearly not working...

Donna Quesada: You are speaking about an issue that is close to my heart. For...

by Michael Forrester: With evidence growing that training the mind or inducing specific modes of...

Stanislav Grof, M.D., Ph.D.: Holotropic Breathwork is an experiential method of self-exploration and psychotherapy that...

By Karl Romain: Your brain on meditation: calm, clear and confident…


You may be in a yoga class and hear the teacher using Sanskrit words for...

by Kate Forsyth: The smoothie is a healthy blended drink made of fruits and/or vegetables…


byDr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés: Dear Brave Souls: If you are hurting from the shock of...

Gary Zukav is a spiritual teacher and author of four consecutive New York Times bestsellers.


Dr. Andrew Weil: There are probably more misconceptions about fat than any other macronutrient.


Andrew Weil, M.D., a world-renowned leader and pioneer in the field of integrative medicine, discusses...

by Shana Lebowitz: Sure, hiking the Appalachian Trail is an experience no one ever forgets…


by Jason Dorrier: To Aubrey de Grey, the body is a machine. Just as a...

by Anna Lemind: The results of a study conducted with the use of Wim Hof...

Ken Wilber discusses seeking enlightenment in the modern World in this clip from the new...

by Kino MacGregor: Confrontation is a grey zone on the spiritual path. Should you fight...

by Nancy Haught: Long before the culture around them embraced vegetarian diets, the search for...

by Abigail Wise: From the 2,500-mile Pacific Crest Bicycle Trail to the colorful RAGBRAI across...

Stanislav Grof, M.D., Ph.D. is a psychiatrist with over fifty years’ experience researching nonordinary...

by Dr. Bruce King: The primary determinant of health for the average person is thought…


by Seth Borenstein and Frank Jordans: BERLIN (AP) — Humanity still has a chance, close...

Rachel Naomi Remen describes the awe and power of the life force–that enables thin blades...