Articles for: Health & Wellness

by Dr. Mercola: You probably know that avocados are an excellent source of healthful fats,...

Nicki Forman-Levitan spoke to Gurmukh on behalf of Complete Yoga and discovered her enlightened, shining...

by: Dr Mark Hyman: Unlike conventional medicine, functional medicine uses a systems-oriented approach to address...

by Sara Novak: Genetics do play a role in super long lives…


by Kay Mcnellen: Walnuts (Juglans regia) are a tree nut belonging to the walnut family…


by Quinn Eastman: The bacteria inside our guts are fine-tuning our metabolism, depending on our...

Michael Simmons: “Being an entrepreneur is like eating glass and staring into the abyss of...

by Ed and Deb Shapiro: Think of a person who’s wronged you—maybe it’s even yourself.


Dr. Andfrew Weil answers questions to help create and maintain good health.


by Eileen McKusick: The following is excerpted from Tuning the Human Biofield: Healing with Vibrational...

by Hannah Aylward: In many ways, our life begins with our first conscious breath and...

This is Bill Harris Director of Centerpointe Research Institute and I am here today with...

Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés is the author of the best-seller Women Who Run with the...

by Dr. Alberto Villoldo: The Bhagavad Gita was written at a time when the Indian...

by Pragito Dove: Anger is a good thing………when we know how to be the master,...

by Jason Dorrier: The largest living organism on the planet is a mushroom…


by Matt Pallamary: Vanishing Wisdom Shamans were the first medical specialists in indigenous communities,


“If you are waiting for anything in order to live and love without holding back,...

Gary Zukav: “Your spiritual journey requires that you become emotionally aware, learn to make responsible...

by Megan McInturff: Kundalini yoga focuses on harnessing the body’s energy to enhance personal awareness...

by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Ayurveda is the study of life. Ayur is life and...

by Michelle Toole: One of the most common questions that people ask about acupuncture is:...

by Starre Varten: This crunchy fruit is as good for you as you’ve always been...