By Marilyn Gordon: When you understand how neural pathways are created in the brain, you...
by Garima Roy: Plants have been used as medicines for thousands of years to cure...
by Sharon Salzberg: Let your brilliance shine with three days of guided mindfulness practices to...
If you’re an avid Brussels sprouts hater, scientists claim your dislike may be written in...
Donna Quesada: I think that is what is often lost when we approach healing is...
by Tracy Matfin: The ordinary way of living modern day life is clearly not working...
Donna Quesada: You are speaking about an issue that is close to my heart. For...
by Maia Szalavitz: Meditation isn’t just for hippies any more. And it’s not all about...
by Chayil Champion: The pomegranate is an ancient plant known to grow and thrive in...
by Kimshuk Parikh: Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that’s related to...
by Michael Forrester: With evidence growing that training the mind or inducing specific modes of...
“Western Science is approaching a paradigm shift of unprecedented proportions, one that will change our...
By Karl Romain: Your brain on meditation: calm, clear and confident…
...Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa explains how grace comes if you can stay present.
...Gurmukh Khalsa defines and explains the outcome of incorrect thinking.
...Gurmukh speaks about living in truth or neutral mind and demonstrates how to open intuition.
...Gurmukh speaks about appreciation as our natural state which is taken away with thought. Dr. Alberto Villoldo: A key factor I discuss in my latest book, Grow a...
by Kate Forsyth: The smoothie is a healthy blended drink made of fruits and/or vegetables…
...Gary Zukav is a spiritual teacher and author of four consecutive New York Times bestsellers.
...Dr. Andrew Weil: There are probably more misconceptions about fat than any other macronutrient.