Articles for: MIND

Jim Carrey along with Greg Braden and David Wilcock explain what it means to be...

by Sharon Levy: Commonly thought of as a human response to danger, injury and loss,...

by Peter Lovenheim: It was while visiting the graves of my parents and sister one...

by Cassie Shortsleeve: Stop trying so hard to nap. Resting could have similar benefits…


by Himanshu Joshi: Chakra in Sanskrit means a wheel or a circle. Do you know...

by Ram Dass: How can we make sex sacred?


by Marianne Williamson: Our minds are addicted to chaos though our souls are starving for...

by Shelly Fan: Ask any neuroscientist 20 years ago if gut bug excrement could slow...

by Shelly Fan: How does consciousness work? A frenemy collaboration is duking it out…


Thich Nhat Hanh: Deep listening is the kind of listening that can help relieve the...

by Lila Lieberman: The expectation that we can be immersed in suffering and loss daily...

by Azriel Rachel: Finding Inner Power. Manal al-Sharif is the woman who dared to drive.


by John Bowe: Going back to the office soon? As a speech trainer, one common...

by Luminita Saviuc: David Hawkins has left behind an unique contribution to humanity due to...

by Jack Kornfield: Asked to reflect on how I have changed my mind and perspective...

by Jill Suttie: Psychologist Nichola Raihani explains why cooperation breaks down and how we can...

by Elyane Youssef: In the past, I underestimated the power of the word depression.


by Donna Quesada: YOGA; Nadis, Chakras, Prana & Kundalini (Why Raise the Kundalini?)


by Jonathan Fisher: Cardiologist Jonathan Fisher unpacks the need to be aware of what the...

by Chad Foreman: The breath has been used in meditation for thousands of years and...

by Dr. Matthew Fox: If Jesus is correct when he says “by their fruits you...

by Tara Brach: Four steps to stop being so hard on ourselves….


by Barbara Foster: In 1965 Lawrence Durrell, on assignment from a popular woman’s magazine, interviewed...

by Jim Rohn: You’ve no doubt heard the phrase, a muscle never stretched never grows…
