Awaken Culture – The Creations and Activities of an Awakened Global Society

by Meilan Solly: A new film stars Viola Davis as the leader of the Agojie,...

by Liz Pelly: Fans quitting Spotify to save their love of music…


by Christian Waugh: The pursuit of happiness is many people’s primary goal in life, and...

by Mike Mcrae: Toxic levels of a pollutant commonly associated with the wastes of modern...

by Shon Faye: To launch our new Future of Sex series, author Shon Faye examines...

by Kevin Dickenson: Perfectionism is on the rise, and its consequences for mental health can...

by Ann Kjellberg: Women make up the majority of book buyers, and have made romance...

by Dahlia Lithwick: On a recent episode of Amicus, Dahlia Lithwick spoke with Mary Trump...

by Donna Quesada: Aesthetics has always asked, What does all good art have in common?


Feeling anxious actually releases dopamine, motivating us to take action to pursue rewards and make...

by Derek Beres: The famed author headed to the pond thanks to Indian philosophy…


by Ksenia Parkhatskaya: A history of jazz dance and historic perspective helps us acknowledge tradition....