Articles for: Yoga Poses

Poses should not be dictated by time of day, but by how your body feels...

by Jenny Clise: Restorative Yoga helps guide us into deep relaxation, which is a great...

by Lucinda Staniland: For all the years I’ve been practicing yoga, I’ve always strived to...

by Emma Cunningham: Strengthening your immune system is more than the top priority during the...

by Lena Schmidt: You may be feeling the worldwide worry about the developing pandemic of...

by Himanshu Joshi: Are you tired of facing the pressures of your day-to-day worklife?


by Daniel Bubnis: Although it’s an ancient practice, yoga has become the exercise du jour...

by Mar Soraparu: Let love in by practicing these self-compassion postures first…


by Mary Clare Sweet: This uplifting sequence from Nebraska-based yoga teacher Mary Clare Sweet will...

by Karson McGinley: This winter, get on your yoga mat to get in harmony with...

By practicing yoga at home, we can roll out the mat regardless of the class...

by Michelle DeLong: Is this your year to start yoga, commit to self-care, and feel...

by Himanshu Joshi: In today’s fast paced life, where people are indeed too pre-occupied by...

by Claire Grieve: It’s a new year and a new decade…


by Lineo Oren: If you’re wondering how to improve your singing, did you know that...

by Daya Alexander Grant, Ph.D., M.S: Bravo, weekend warriors…


Yoga is supposed to bring peace and spiritual balance and relaxation so obviously it makes...

I have a sweet spot for bird of paradise pose. Maybe because I lived and...

Yoga can provide more than just physical fitness. It can bring calm and peace to...

I don’t believe in writing about things that I’m not passionate about for the sake...

by Ashton August: What do a wheel, a camel, and a bow have in common?...

by KC Whitsett: In the Western world of yoga, we often only see young, skinny,...

by Laura Heggs: The upper body often harbors tightness and tension caused from bad habits…


by Incrosnatu Danut: Knee pain can basically ruin your life if it gets bad enough....