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Why Should We Be Kind? Here’s 3 Good Reasons

by Silvia Mordin:“We think too much and feel too little. More than machinery, we need humanity. More than cleverness, we need kindness and gentleness.” ~ Charlie Chaplin


Why should we be kind? Why should I have to ask that question? Because unfortunately there is still a lot of negativity out there. We consider ourselves advanced beings compared to animals but do we really treat each other any better? It seems to me that as a general rule, animals treat their brethren better then humans do.

I’m not saying that all humans are bad but all you have to do is watch the news to see that we have a long long way to go. Hopefully, our current cycle of consciousness is leading us into a time where we will raise our awareness and be able to put aside petty things and learn to love and help our fellow man.

Here are three key ways kindness promotes personal growth and transformation:

  1. Kindness heals. Studies show that being kind is a healthy response to most any situation and at the same time positively influences our capacity to heal. Studies demonstrate children thrive when treated with kindness; when facing illness patients progress their healing more quickly. And as adults in our day-to-day lives, kindness is the antidote to stress.
  2. Truly successful people are kind. Having only money doesn’t equate to success. I’m talking about someone who knows how to give and receive love, lives joyfully, and attracts abundance through unselfish acts of kindness. When I gave the eulogy at my Father’s funereal what I was most impressed by was how many people told me that he was a kind person. “Every day our eulogies are being written. Only you can develop the content for your forthcoming eulogy.” (From Winners Never Cheat). Think about what sort of legacy you want to be remembered for… How would you describe success?
  3. Kindness gives meaning to our lives. Kindness isn’t flashy. It doesn’t get reported on in print or tv as much as violence, war, and depression. And in spite of these things, because of kindness humans keep evolving. “It is tremendously important that we try to make something positive of our lives. We were not born for the purpose of causing trouble and harming others. For our life to be of value, we need to foster and nurture such basic good human qualities as warmth, kindness and compassion. If we can do that, our lives will become meaningful, happier and more peaceful; we will make a positive contribution to the world around us.” – His Holiness the Dalai Lama

When we are healed and living meaningful lives, abundance flourishes and success manifests in all ways. It may be a bit less complicated than what we make it out to be. The answer to a happier life lies in our innate power to be kind, starting with being 10% kinder to yourself. We cannot afford to continue with the negative habit of beating ourselves up. The easiest most real solution for supporting personal growth is the one you are empowered to deliver to yourself: giving yourself a break, cutting yourself some slack and being kinder in your thoughts and actions towards yourself.

Source: AWAKEN


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