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The Fifth Mystical Law: Maintain Spiritual Congruency

by Caroline Myss: Whether you strike out on the path of consciousness in order to heal yourself or to engage more profoundly in matters of the spirit, one way of describing your goal is to say that you want to become a congruent human being…


Congruency can take many forms, but in essence you are congruent when your beliefs match up with your everyday actions and your spiritual practice. Say what you believe and believe what you say; act on your belief and follow through on guidance that comes from inner reflection. In this way, body, mind, and soul finally come into an alignment that allows for the harmony of the graces to flow through you as naturally as your breath. You maintain congruence by honoring the spiritual truths that you have consciously made a part of your interior life.

Truth is its own monitoring device; that is, you can never lie to yourself about compromising a truth. Your biology itself will show signs of the stress when you become incongruent with a truth. Part of us realizes that acknowledgment of a belief – whether private or public – stands as an official commitment to it, if only before our own conscience.

A consciousness left in a fog is incapable of creating any clear path in life, much less of healing anything. There is nothing easy about living a conscious life, but it’s even more treacherous to live an unconscious one.

Simply being as conscious as you can be at each moment is a full-time job, because becoming a conscious person is all about realizing the full potential of the power of choice. Of all the choices that you can make, none is as empowering as the decision to live in a spiritually congruent way.

What you can do:

Practice spiritual congruence by living these truths:

  • You should say only what you believe and believe what you say.
  • Power originates behind your eyes, not in front of your eyes. Once power becomes visible, it evaporates. True power is invisible.
  • Thought precedes the creation of matter. Therefore, your thoughts are instruments of creation as much as your words, deeds, and finances. Become conscious about the quality of your thoughts, because each one sets patterns of cause and effect into motion. Every thought is a tool. Every thought is a prayer.
  • Judgement anchors you to the person or thing you judge, making you its servant. Judge others too harshly and you become their prisoner.

Awaken Body

Awaken Mind

Awaken Spirit

Source: AWAKEN


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