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Hope and Hallelujah – Marianne Williamson

Marianne Williamson: This is a spiritually very important week. Jews have celebrated Passover, and Christians prepare for Easter.

Star-of-David-Passover-Passage-Cross-Crucifixion-Bible-Verses-awakenBoth Passover and Easter tell stories of God turning darkness into light: slavery into freedom, and death into eternal life. Those stories are not just stories; they are portals into an experience of greater peace and understanding.

On Good Friday, we acknowledge the reality of heartlessness and bear witness to the suffering it creates. That suffering is not just the suffering of one man two thousand years ago; it is the suffering of all humanity.

Yet the suffering will end, and for all of us. Easter proclaims that after the symbolic three days, God Himself wipes away all tears. There is a period of grief, torment, and anguish, yes – yet that is then followed by a burst of Light so extraordinary, so miraculous, that the mortal mind will bow before the supremacy of an otherworldly love.

In that moment the reign of darkness will cease, its spell having been broken by our realization that in the presence of God it has no power at all. Light having entered the darkness, the darkness shall be no more.

What a powerful message, at this time of humanity’s collective crucifixion in the form of the coronavirus epidemic. Thus the word “Hallelujah” takes on meaning we never could have known before.

I hope these days of forced pause, of deeper reflection brought on by the coronavirus pandemic, are made holy by the realization that even now God is with us. May our deepening into the meaning of Easter create possibilities for miraculous breakthroughs.

Click here to download an Easter talk that I hope you’ll enjoy.

Wishing you, and all of us, the miracles that will set us free.

Awaken Interview With: Marianne Williamson

Source: AWAKEN


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