by Sarah Regan: Of all the yoga poses out there, there’s a reason pigeon pose (or Kapotasana in Sanskrit) stands out as a favorite to many…
This juicy stretch acts as a heart opener, offers a tremendous stretch for both the hips and low back, and is a perfect addition to yin and yang yoga flows.
Here’s how to do it properly, as demonstrated by certified yoga instructor Phyllicia Bonanno, plus tips, modifications, and the benefits you can expect to see from this pose.
How to do pigeon pose properly:

- From a downward dog position, reach your right foot up to the sky.
- Bend your knee and bring it in line with your right arm. Bring your right foot to the left side of your body, and allow your shin to rest on the ground.
- Bring your back leg down to the mat, and lift your chest, keeping your hips in one line.
- Hold for a breath, then slowly lower your torso to the ground so it folds over your right leg. Here, you have the option to bring your forehead to the mat.
- Hold for as many breaths as you’d like, then peel your body back up. Come back into downward dog, then repeat on the opposite side.
- Hold for as many breaths as you’d like, and make your way back to downward dog again, or continue on to a different pose.
Modifications, tips & variations.
Some teachers may say your shin needs to be parallel to the front of your mat in pigeon pose, but in my experience as a yoga instructor, as long as your hips are squared to the front, that’s what matters most. If you’re struggling to get comfortable in this posture, it can help to situate a block or bolster under the hip of your front leg.
If it’s still too much, even with a block, consider trying a reclined figure-4 stretch. And of course, be careful if you have any chronic issues with your hips or low back.
As you get comfortable in this pose, you can lower your head down, either resting your forehead on your hands or stretching your arms out straight toward the front of the mat, bringing your forehead to rest on the ground. Breathe deeply into the sensation of the stretch in your hips, and don’t feel the need to stay longer than is comfortable.
Benefits of pigeon pose.
Pigeon pose has so, so many benefits. First and foremost, this pose is a major hip opener, which you’ll undoubtedly feel when you give it a try. On top of that, it offers a light backbend, which helps to open up the heart chakra.
The pose can also help stretch the low-back muscles, which helps to ease pain. It promotes flexibility in the hip flexors and low back and can promote circulation and digestion in the abdomen.
What’s more, as integrative psychiatrist and sleep specialist Nishi Bhopal, M.D., previously told mbg, this is a great stretch to do for better sleep. “Opening up and stretching the hips is a great way to relax your muscles before bedtime,” she says, as it releases both physical and mental tension.
3 flows that include pigeon pose.
Hip-opening yoga flow from Phyllicia Bonanno:
- Malasana to bhaddha konasana
- Bhaddha konasana to downward dog
- Downward dog to three-legged dog with hip opening
- Three-legged dog to lizard
- Lizard to half-split
- Half-split to high plank, to downward dog, repeating three-legged dog, lizard, and half-split on the opposite side.
- Half-split to figure-4 chair pose on both sides
- Figure-4 to chaturanga, to upward-facing dog, to downward-facing dog
- Downward-facing dog to pigeon pose
- Pigeon pose to hero pose
Hip & heart opening flow from Juanina Kocher:
- Child’s pose to cat-cow
- Cat-cow to downward-facing dog
- Downward-facing dog to three-legged dog
- Three-legged dog to low lunge
- Low lunge to downward dog, repeating three-legged dog, and low lunge on the opposite side
- Low lunge to plank
- Plank to baby cobra
- Baby cobra to upward-facing dog
- Upward-facing dog to bow pose
- Bow pose to downward dog
- Downward dog to three-legged dog to pigeon pose
- Pigeon to downward dog, repeating three-legged dog and pigeon on the opposite side
- Pigeon to bridge pose
Yoga flow for runners from Claire Grieve:
- Downward dog to reverse warrior
- Reverse warrior to runner’s lunge
- Runner’s lunge to runner’s lunge variation
- Runner’s lunge variation to standing single-leg forward bend
- Standing single-leg forward bend to bow pose
- Bow pose to pigeon pose