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Buddha’s View of the World – Lama Lakshey Zangpo

by Lama Lakshey Zangpo: Buddhist teachings are vast and profound. Numerous volumes and commentaries have been written about them.

Buddha-awakenThe basic purpose of Buddhism is to help one understand the nature of all phenomena. There are many ways we can experience the world. The way we view it shapes our reality; individually and collectively.

Traditionally, we say there is an outer, inner, and secret way to look at the world. A pith instruction is a teaching that points out essential secrets. For example; oceans, valleys, continents, rivers and trees can all be said to be an illusion. Their appearance is like a mirage. This makes things interesting because when we change our mind, we change how we see the world. The way we see phenomena depends on our mental attitude. When we change our attitude, the whole world changes.

Buddha taught that this world is an illusion. Seeing the world as an illusion frees us and makes it that much more essential that we take care of all beings that inhabit it. Buddha said in the Diamond Sutra “The sparkling stars in the sky, the flames of butter lamps, the illusory magic, the morning dew, bubbles on the river bank, the dreams at night, and the lightning in the dark sky are all composite phenomena. You should see all things in this way; they are all temporary, momentary, and conditional.”

We tend to think everything is very solid and fixed. In reality, the world is ever moving and changing. Until we wake up, we are caught in an endless cycle of believing that the dream is real.

-Lama Lakshey Zangpo

Lama Lakshey Zangpo was born in eastern Tibet and entered Mardo Tashi Choling monastery at the age of ten. Later, he attended Larung Gar Institute in Tibet and studied buddhist philosophy and meditation for a decade with H.H. Jigme Phuntsok. Lama Lakshey was recognized at a young age as a Tulku, and was later enthroned by H.H. Katok Getse Rinpoche. H.H. Katok Getse Rinpoche was the seventh head of the Nyigma tradition. Lama Lakshey has taught in the U.S. and Canada for the last 15 years. He provides instruction on buddhist meditation and eastern psychology to dharma practitioners, university students and faculty, medical communities, and tech corporations. Lama Lakshey is the spiritual advisor of Tsinta Mani Choling, and serves as a Board of Directors of Joru Foundation. Lama Lakshey resides in the Bay Area.

Source: AWAKEN


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