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How to Practice Creative Visualization – Gabby Bernstein

by Gabby Bernstein: For many years I had this story on repeat in my mind: “If I don’t do it, no one else will…”


I believed that I had to strive hard and overwork in order to get what I wanted. So while I experienced a lot of joy and faith for the first 10 years I was building my business, there was also this ever-present undercurrent of fear. I didn’t know how to let people help me, and as a result I always felt unsupported and alone.

Three years ago I hit bottom with my workaholism. I was stressed out, burned out and physically ill. I had no choice to surrender.

Once I did, I received profound spiritual guidance and began a practice of creative visualization.

Within a few months, my life changed dramatically. I attracted new members to my team. I got out of the way and let others in. I truly felt supported — and I could focus 100% on being a spiritual teacher!

In this post I’m teaching you the simple, life-changing practice of creative visualization so that you can activate your Super Attractor power and experience this kind of miracle, too.

What Is Creative Visualization?

Creative visualization is a kind of meditative practice. Here’s how Shakti Gawain defines it in her book Creative Visualization:

Creative visualization is the technique of using your imagination to create what you want in your life. There is nothing at all new, strange, or unusual about creative visualization. You are already using it every day, every minute, in fact. It is your natural power of imagination, the basic creative energy of the Universe, which you use constantly, whether or not you are aware of it.

Over the years, people have asked me if they can do creative visualization if they’re not super artistic. I want to clear up this common misconception. “Creative” doesn’t refer to creativity in the sense of art class or creative writing. It refers to your ability to create the world you want to see, also known as manifesting. Also known as being a Super Attractor!If you like to daydream, you may notice that creative visualization comes very naturally. But if this concept is new to you, or if you’re more of an analyzer than a fantasizer, don’t worry. It’s very accessible and it doesn’t take a ton of effort.

Like Shakti says, this is something we do all the time, often unconsciously. The difference here is that we’re doing it consciously so that we direct our energy toward our desires.

How To Practice Creative Visualization

Follow these steps to start your creative visualization practice today. This is a practice that will make you feel good and strengthen your connection to your Super Attractor power.

If you commit to practicing it a few minutes each day, you’ll speed up your manifesting and experience many miracles.

Step 1: Accept that you have the power to create the world you want to see

The first step in creative visualization is knowing and accepting that you have the power to create the world you want to see! Knowing that you can co-create with the Universe is incredibly empowering.

You may not yet fully believe this. That’s okay. I just ask that you become willing to believe it. As you practice techniques like this one, you’ll start to experience very cool results that will give you more and more spiritual proof that you are a Super Attractor.

Step 2: Reframe your beliefs into a positive affirmation

If what you want feels far away from your current reality, you might doubt that it’s actually available to you. If give a lot of energy to your doubts and limiting stories, then you’ll manifest what you don’t want (which is what many of us do by default).

So begin to look at the things that you want to attract and then change your perception of your disbelief. Get honest about your disbelief and then find a way to reframe it into an empowering affirmation.Be sure to reframe it in a way that really resonates with you.

Here’s an example: My friend Lauren always thought she just wasn’t a person who could be in shape or feel fit and strong. Growing up, she wasn’t a natural athlete, and she struggled in sports and gym class. As a result of this belief, she exercised sporadically, felt self-conscious when she did and often dreaded it.

Lauren really wanted to enjoy exercising, and she was sick of holding herself back. One day she called me for advice, and together we came up with a new belief that resonated with her. Lauren’s affirmation became, “I believe that I can have fun exercising and feel fit and strong.”


It’s important to find a belief that feels real for you. If you start using affirmations you don’t fully believe in, they won’t work. “I believe I’ll run a marathon within a year” wouldn’t have worked for Lauren. She found a belief that felt attainable and made her feel good.

If you want to be more abundant and you choose the affirmation, “I’ll make a million dollars this year,” and that doesn’t resonate with you, drop it. Try something that aligns more, like, “I’m open to creative ways to earn more money.”

If you have a very specific desire, that’s great, too. Just make sure you truly believe it. If you don’t, reframe it until you do.

Step 3: Sit in a daily visualization

The next step is to start visualizing! All you have to do is sit comfortably and see yourself doing what you want to do.

In Lauren’s case, she visualized herself getting dressed, going to the gym and joining a fun workout class where she felt confident and supported. She imagined the energy boost and the satisfaction of completing an awesome workout.

Whatever you want to create, see yourself doing it and picture it in great detail. Visualize yourself eating well. See yourself asking for a raise with confidence. Imagine yourself on that date with the partner you long for.

While you visualize, picture everything going beautifully. It’s safe to unleash your imagination in this way and feel really good about what you’re visualizing. And if a negative thought pops up, just return to your affirmation.

Step 4: Allow your visualization to become a feeling

This is the final and most important step. I talk about the transition from step 3 to step 4 here…

Once you’ve pictured in detail what it is that you want, let your visualization take over you emotionally so you can feel a genuine connection to what you’re seeing. I allow my mind to wander and I see myself in what it is that I desire. And then I let the feeling take over.

As I said earlier, the “creative” part of “creative visualization” refers to the act of co-creating. Getting into the feeling of your visualization is essential. Here’s what I say in Super Attractor:

The Universe wants you to feel good and wants to guide you toward exactly what you want and need. You are one with the Universal energy of love, and feeling good is your birthright.

It’s good to feel good. So surrender to feeling good and revel in the beauty of your visualization!

Source: AWAKEN


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