Articles for: Featured

by The Dalai Lama: Of course, war and the large military establishments are the greatest...

by James Ford: The question of Zen’s kensho has come up several times in the...

Janet Attwood: Sitting with these Masters is like sitting in pure love. You can’t see...

by Ed and Deb Shapiro: After extensive travel in India and Australia we came back...

by Arjuna Ardagh and Jonathan Robinson: How can technology, and specifically artificial intelligence, affect our...

by The Dalai Lama: Almost six decades have passed since I left my homeland, Tibet,...

by Ed Shapiro: Ever wondered what the biggest problem in life is? Yes, it’s the...

by Donna Quesada: It is rare and beautiful to be moved beyond what words can...

By Donn Quesada: True prayer is an expression of the soul, an urge from the...

by Pema Chodron: Pema Chödrön teaches us a simple technique we can use anytime we...

Even after two decades, Linda Koebner was greeted with hugs and smiles by the apes...

by Deepak Chopra: If you aspire to be successful as an entrepreneur, manager, business owner,...

by Caroline Myss: Many people have written asking me to provide a description of Spiritual...

by Bernard Haisch: Excerpted from The God Theory, Universes, Zero-Point Fields, and What’s Behind It...

Pema Chödrön on how to awaken bodhichitta—enlightened heart and mind—the essence of all Buddhist practice.


Pema Chödrön tells the story of when, having hit rock bottom, she asked her teacher...

by Deepak Chopra, M.D: At the level of consciousness or spirit, we are all inextricably...

by Lewis Howes: I love hosting The School of Greatness because I get to sit...

by Helen Avery: Krishna Das shares his love of the ‘Hanuman Chalisa,’ and how chanting...

by Kasley Killam: Studies suggest that we are finding ways to connect even amid quarantine…


by Bridget Fonger: I recently participated in a four-week online course with Marianne Williamson called...

by Gabbrielle Bernstein: Continually choosing happiness is hard—but absolutely essential…


by Tanaaz: Soul Mate… Someone who is aligned with your soul and is sent to...

by Gabby Bernstein: Are you afraid to be vulnerable? If so, you’re not alone…
