Articles for: MIND

Dale Carnegie: Fundamental facts you should know about worry


The grandfather of all self-help books, which spawned an industry devoted to self-improvement, is being...

by Michael Miles: When we were kids, anything was possible. The wide world lay open...

Dale Carnegie was a famous lecturer and writer as well as the developer of very...

by CBS Sunday Morning: Dale Carnegie’s “How to Win Friends and Influence People” (published by...

As with many spiritual texts from ancient times, the teachings attributed to Chuang Tzu are...

We know fewer things about Chuang-tzu than about Lao-tzu . The main source of information...

Chuang Tzu (399 – 295 B.C.) has always been an influential Chinese philosopher.


by Chuang Tzu, Translated by Burton Watson: IN THE NORTHERN DARKNESS there is a fish...

This is the big one, Carl Rogers‘ therapy raison d’etre. Person-Centered Therapy advocated for Unconditional...

by Kathy Jo Hall: Carl R. Rogers is known as the father of client-centered therapy....

by Carl Rogers: It may seem curious that a person whose whole professional effort is...

In 2006, a survey was sent out to hundreds of therapists and 2598 responded. It...

M. Greengrass: This month marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of influential behaviorist B.F....

Burrhus Frederic (B.F.) Skinner majored in literature at Hamilton College in New York.


Burrhus Frederic Skinner: Certain basic assumptions, essential to any scientific activity, are sometimes called theories....

by B.F. Skinner: To say that a reinforcement is contingent upon a response may mean...

by Buckminster Fuller: Inventors are among the few people on this planet who have the...

by Buckminster Fuller: Standing by the lake on a jump-or-think basis, the very first spontaneous...

by Hope Bundrant: Neuro-Linguistic Programming is a set of skills that reveal the kind of...

Montreux Jazz Festival 2008 Manday 7th July 2008 Special Guest Gary Moore


by Guy Finley: Has there ever been a time in your life…


Desmond Tutu, Archbishop Emeritus of Cape Town, South Africa, gave UNC-Chapel Hill’s 2009 Commencement Address...