Articles for: MIND

Alan Watts discusses the famous psychologist and mind-explorer Carl Jung…


by Gautam Peddada: New research has discovered verifiable evidence of a higher level of consciousness…


by Joe Martino: There’s no secret: truths about corruption involving government officials, politicians, high profile...

by Jean Shinoda Bolen, M.D.: At this time of mourning May we be connected to...

by Joe Martino: It is no secret that life can sometimes feel like a limited...

Question : How should a beginner start this practice? Ramana Maharshi: The mind will subside...

by Ram Dass: We need the matrix of thoughts, feelings, and sensations we call the...

by Ragunath Padmanabhan: Our 5-yr-old son Aum had been playing on his own at the...

by Guru Singh: The experience of your existence is a point of perception that began...

by Alexa Erickson:Having inspiring individuals throughout our time to serve as a means of bringing...

by Sam Woolfe: Our worldview, our beliefs about what reality is, our views on what...

by Guru Singh: Life dwells in an entangled ennvironment — a web without a weaver


by Nicole Leatherman: Humans are wired to connect. That’s because, at one time, our cooperation...

by Guru Singh: Over the course of centuries, the original teachings of mystical, experiential, and...

by John Grant: Alongside advances in space exploration, we’ve recently seen much time and money...

by Jane Burnett: The Apple co-founder’s relentless passion and curiosity might just fuel your own…


Jim Carrey , Alan Watts explores the profound mystery of creating who we are…


Compassion literally means “to suffer together.” Among emotion researchers, it is defined as the feeling...

Mother Meera During a psychic surgery session recently, I was asked by Harry to raise...

by the Mother Meera Foundation, United Kingdom: Mother Meera is a much-revered Indian avatar who...

by Evita Ochel: Mother Meera: We walk each day through our own paths of life....

by Sonia Linebaugh: Mother Meera: It was 1994 when I first wrote about my spiritual...

by Khandro Thrinlay Chodon: What makes you happy? I encourage each of us to take...

by Sonia Choquette Ph.D.: This morning I overslept. I spent the weekend teaching a workshop...