Articles for: Mind Videos

Anthony (Tony) Robbins: Great message and story in this short video…


Spiritual teacher and author Caroline Myss says we all have an intuitive gut that helps...

Donna Quesada: Too many people are in survival mode or they give up all together…


In “Love Until It Hurts,” Ken Wilber discusses the nature of women’s spiritual practice and...

by Grandmaster Fan Xiulan, Biyn Academy of Traditional Medicine.


Marion Woodman talks about healing. Healing means making whole.


Sharon Salzberg is cofounder of the Insight Meditation Society (IMS) in Barre, Massachusetts.


Aubrey de Grey is a biomedical gerontologist and the Chief Science Officer of SENS Foundation,...

Eric Schurenberg talks to “The Soul of Leadership” author Deepak Chopra, M.D. about how to...

Donna Quesada: It’s like a near-death experience. Something that you mentioned reminds me of people...

by Mark DeNicola: There are countless movies we could all think of that feature a...

Dan Millman: introduced his first book, Whole Body Fitness, establishing his foray into the authorial...

by Donna Quesada: The devotional element is the missing ingredient for a broken relationship with...

Watch Jim Carrey’s full commencement address that he gave to the Maharishi University of Management’s...

In this highly personal talk from TEDMED, magician and stuntman David Blaine describes what it...

by Deepak Chopra MD: This summer, I’m engaging friends, family and colleagues in reinventing their...

New points of view are not as a rule discovered in territory that is already...

Donna Quesada: Hi, Jeffrey. It’s so nice to meet you. Dr. Jeffery Martin: It’s a...

by Joe Martino: I write this as I have decided to share some thoughts on...

This is a film made by McPetruk in 1938 showing BKS Iyengar practicing Astanga Vinyasa...

In this clip, David Deida polls the audience on their sexual realizations, then sends them...

by Mary Roach: In 2009, I walked onto the TED stage and gave a talk...

Your words and thoughts have physical power


Alberto Villoldo Ph.D. speaks about ancient rights that originated in the Himalayan Mountains.
