Articles for: Dr. Alberto Villoldo

by Dr. Alberto Villoldo: When I met Don Manuel Quispe—an elder Q’ero medicine man…


by Dr. Alberto Villoldo: Let’s talk about the link between what goes in our guts...

by Dr. Alberto Villoldo: At the heart of my Grow a New Body program is...

by Dr. Alberto Villoldo: Oneness is found by experiencing the invisible matrix of the universe,...

by Dr. Alberto Villoldo: The Yoga Sutra of Patanjali is the classic text on the...

by Dr. Alberto Villoldo: At the heart of my Grow a New Body program is...

by Dr. Alberto Villoldo: In the North direction of the Four Winds medicine wheel we...

by Dr. Alberto Villoldo: The FIFTH CHAKRA, located at the hollow of the throat, is...

by Dr. Alberto Villoldo: Last week I mentioned you can journey to your own private...

by Dr. Alberto Villoldo: In the Himalayas, there are explorers of the realm between sleeping...

by Dr. Alberto Villoldo: In past blog posts we’ve written about shamanic journeying to the...

by Dr. Alberto Villoldo: Some of us know without a doubt that we were called...

by Dr. Alberto Villoldo: Imagine that your life is a solid cord of light extending...

by Dr. Alberto Villoldo: The final and most important giveaway is the practice paying it...

by Dr. Alberto Villoldo: Once you transition to the dream of love that is unconditional,...

by Dr. Alberto Villoldo: When we become luminous warriors, we recognize that our job is...

by Dr. Alberto Villoldo: When we understand that the physical world arises from the primordial...

by Dr. Alberto Villoldo: The first insight is called The Way of the Hero because...

by Dr. Alberto Villoldo: We know that as luminous warriors our goal is to build...

by Dr. Alberto Villoldo: The Medicine Wheel is an exploration into the nature of time,...

by Dr. Alberto Villoldo: The first way we will build our energetic defenses is by...

by Dr. Alberto Villoldo: Transforming the dream of love that is unconditional requires you to...

by Dr. Alberto Villoldo: We know the universe mirrors back to us the map of...

by Dr. Alberto Villoldo: The last and often most challenging step of the hero’s journey...