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5 Ways You Know You’ve Found Your Life’s Work

by Dr Nikki Starr Noce, MD: Imagine waking up everyday excited for life…


Perhaps you already do and if so, you must be doing what you love. Doing what you love is the key to a happy life. Couple this passion in a way to serve others and boom—you have your life’s work. It’s not easy for everyone to figure out what they are meant to do this lifetime; here are a few tips to help you on your path to this wonderful realization…

There is no greater feeling than doing what you love! Trust me, I know! My heart literally feels like it’s going to burst when I affect someone’s life in a positive way.

Leaving medicine (which I thought was my purpose on the planet) for something unknown and amorphous, for something that I have been creating as I go, has definitely been a scary AND rewarding adventure. I wouldn’t trade living my passions for anything in the world.

Fear can often hold people back, but please don’t let it discourage you. Think about how many times you worried about something that didn’t even happen. The fears are not real. They are stories keeping you stuck and stagnant in a life you’ve settled for, not a life you love. You deserve a life you LOVE—THE life you’ve always dreamed of.

This life is dynamic; as you evolve into the best you so do your dreams and desires. What you wish for today, may change by tomorrow so be flexible and open to all the beautiful opportunities life sends your way.

I promise if you follow your heart, your bliss, and do what brings more joy into your life everyday, you are bound to be successful! Especially if it is for the greater good! How can you fail at something you love to do? You will be glowing with inspiration and what you do will be irresistible, especially if it serves others.

I get it, it may be challenging to just quit your life/job today and start fresh tomorrow. It is a gradual process. This change can begin in your free time. Do more of what you love! Do more of what feeds your soul! As you do, be open to life, be mindful, and keep your eyes peeled for opportunities. Trust me, they will begin to appear.

You are here on this earth with a unique array of gifts to share with the world. Make this life count!

5 ways you know you’ve found your life’s work:

  1. You LOVE what you do! Even if you made zero dollars you’d still find a way to do what you do, even as a hobby or as a way to make life easier/more enjoyable.
  2. You get lost in your work!  You lose track of time and you can keep going even after a full day of work. People sometimes have to pull you away from work because you love it that much.
  3. Your work energizes you! At the end of the day you feel alive and accomplished, you’re looking to celebrate and be around those you love.
  4. Your work makes you happy.  Share your work with the world, helping others excites you! You feel fulfilled.
  5. You feel grateful and blessed! The moments you receive feedback and kind words for your work, and how it has impacted the lives of others, you can feel your heart expand. The feeling of gratitude is overwhelming and you can’t help but think how much you love your life and your work.

If you’ve found your life’s work, congratulations! I’m SO happy for you and please share it with as many people as you can! If you’re still unsure, here are:

3 questions for inspiration to get you on the path to your life’s work

  1. Invent your dream job… If you could do anything in the world and money was no object, you’d be taken care of no matter what, what would you do?
  2. What are you passionate about in life (including favorite hobbies, favorite things to do during your free time)?
  3. How can you combine the answers from Q1 and Q2 to be of service to others while making the earth and world a better place?

This will get the inspirational juices flowing and I invite you to explore the answers that have come up for you. In what ways can you set this dream into motion today? Even as a hobby or as a way to give back, you can begin making a difference with your gifts right now!

Source: AWAKEN


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