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You’re not a tree! If you don’t like where you are – change it!

Dr. Georgina Cannon:  Just coming out of a holiday season can leave you flat and unmotivated.


When look back at what we did before, and plan for our future, the inclination is to consider all the work we have to do… all the changes we have to make … all the relationships we have to repair and all the compromises we have to face.

No wonder we’re not motivated and energised to get back into the swing of things!! Maybe this time we start looking for the good stuff. The potential we have in ourselves and in our lives.

Children celebrate who they are, every day. The laugh without restraint, they cry without embarrassment, they move to music, enjoy the wet of rain, celebrate the hot sun, glory in the chill of snow. What happened to us? How did we grow out of celebrating each moment of our life?

How did we come to need ‘motivating’ to live?

Here are five ways to find your joy in life. To allow yourself to celebrate who and how you are. To bring the best of you to achieve your goals and share your light.

1-Know where you are now… exactly where you are. You need to write down where you are stuck. Be very detailed about it. Make the lists under the headings: I’m stuck physically here (include all the feelings this ‘stuckness’ gives you). I’m stuck emotionally here. I’m stuck intellectually here. I’m stuck spiritually here. If you wish you could add to this, where you are stuck in relationships, family, career and life skills.

2-Take a sheet of paper and divide it down the middle. One side at the top, write Plus Energy, on the other side write Minus Energy. Now make a list of all the people you come in contact with on a regular basis who add to your energy, and who take energy from you.

3-Make a list of the things you do, or say to yourself, which give you energy, and which deplete your energy. For instance, do you really need to see the 11 p.m. news? Do you munch on candy or drink more than a glass of wine each evening, leaving you to feel draggy in the morning? Do you feel better – or worse about yourself after seeing a particular friend?

4-Next sheet of paper. List the numbers, 1 to 52. Next to each number, write down one small thing that you commit to do each week to move the Minus Energy item over to the Plus side. For instance, if you have a friend who, although is seemingly a very nice and kind person, somehow always makes you feel ‘less than’ after you’ve seen her or him, then decide what you’re going to do about this. You might not want to give up the friendship totally, but instead of meeting for dinner, maybe you meet for a movie, and there’s less time for toxic talk. All it takes is one small change a week, moving in the right direction, to change your life. As you begin to change your world, one small step at a time, you will find it becomes easier and easier to make larger changes. Anyone can do one small thing a week!

5-Visualise you being the best you can be. Use self-hypnosis to invent the life you want and install it into your subconscious mind. If you don’t know how to do this, find a hypnotist in your area and ask them to teach you. It shouldn’t take more than one or two sessions in their clinic. As you do this, it becomes the blueprint for your actions, thoughts and behaviours, so that both consciously and subconsciously you are moving with positive energy towards the new you!

Hang this 52-week promise to yourself on the fridge, or somewhere you will see it everyday.

Celebrate your life, your time on this planet, and the magnificent human being that you are! One small change at a time.

Awaken Psychology

Awaken Mind

Awaken Spirit

Source: AWAKEN


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