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Janet Attwood Find and Keep Your Passions Alive

by Janet Attwood: Discover your life purpose and undo the limiting beliefs holding you back.

Janet Attwood-Awaken


Join Janet Bray Attwood, New York Times bestselling author of the Passion Test, to you uncover the secret whisperings of your heart. Attwood has designed this special day-long workshop to be like no other she has facilitated. It’s not only about finding your passion but keeping your passions alive.

Discover what matters most to you, begin to craft a life around your passions, and use a self-inquiry practice to work through and resolve the limiting beliefs that hold you back from living your passions out fully. Based on Attwood’s soon-to-be released book, develop insights to enable you to shift deep core beliefs that may be keeping you stuck from your creation of wealth or in the enjoyment of your wealth.

Effortlessly reorganize your life so that your time, energy, and resources can be engaged in doing the things that matter most to you. Discover your top five passions: the first step to living a meaningful fulfilled life. One secret that guarantees a passionate life and once you know it, you can use it as your GPS to effortlessly guide you on the path of passion.

Use the Passion Test formula-three keys to create anything you choose to have in your life. Recognize which markers tell you when you are really living your passions. Incorporate a simple process of self inquiry that helps you move from anxiety and stress to clarity and acceptance even in situations that seem impossible.

Gain wealth and freedom by shifting your core beliefs around money to monetize your passions. Following seven key principles for living a passionate, fulfilled life gives you a barometer to make choices and decisions to guide you effortlessly with your life purpose. The Passion Test is a unique tool because as you change, shift, and grow, you can retake it and gain deeper, new, and exciting information about how to keep your passions alive.

Awaken Consciousness

Awaken Spirit

Mindfulness & Meditation

Source: AWAKEN


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