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Finding Grace In Your Life – Cheryl Richardson

 According to spiritual coach Cheryl Richardson, grace is a divine energy or spiritual intelligence that comes from a divine source…


“Some people call it ‘God,’ ‘Jesus,’ ‘spirit,’ ‘the universe,’ ‘a higher power’—whatever it is, wherever you are in your path, that’s your prerogative in terms of what you call it,” Cheryl says.

Woman's praying hands
“This beautiful energy is available to each and every one of us, regardless of whether you believe it or not, as well.”

Once you learn to become more graceful, you will see this divine intelligence working in your life, she says. Cheryl talks about how you can begin to “dance” with grace.

Woman writing

Early on your spiritual journey, focus on bringing more grace into your life, Cheryl says. Write two or three goals on a piece of paper—changes you want to make in your life right now.

Woman thinking

Affirm your goals every day. Throughout the day, say to yourself, “I’m open and receptive to the power of grace in my life. I ask to be shown clear examples of how this energy is operating.”

Cheryl says she often asks for direction. “I don’t get the subtle signs at all,” she says. “I’ve learned now, in working in partnership [with God] and dancing with grace, that when I need direction, I will ask for it.” Cheryl says she uses this mantra: “Give me direction. Let me see the doors that are open, make sure that I see them and open those doors within 24 hours.”

Two women talking

Answers are around you all the time, but the question is, how present are you to them? “The more present you become to your life, the more you begin to see that there are signs all around you,” Cheryl says.

Take note when you begin to judge or shut down what someone’s saying to you and try to stay open-minded, Cheryl says. “What if everyone that comes into our life is a spiritual change agent in some way? The more open you can be, the more you allow your life to change and the more you see the influence of grace,” she says. “A closed mind is the barrier to living a grace-filled life.”

Woman standing

When you see signs of grace in your life, you’re entering into “the dance,” Cheryl says. The dance of grace represents your psychological growth: You realize there are coincidences that occur in your life and recognize that it is part of this divine intelligence working in your life. “As you begin to see those signs, you realize, ‘Wow, I am co-creating [my life] with some kind of spiritual intelligence here.'”

Cheryl says it’s also important to listen, pay attention and take action. “When you get the messages, you need to act on them,” she says.

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Source: AWAKEN


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