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Return Again: How to Find Meaning in Your Past Lives and Your Interlives

Dr. Georgina Cannon:  Discover your true purpose in this life, by exploring your past life in this do-it-yourself guide to past life regression.


Award-winning hypnotherapist Dr. Georgina Cannon shows how we can consciously influence our future by better understanding our past in Return Again: How to Find Meaning in Your Past Lives and Your Interlives. Cannon offers a practical and accessible approach that anyone can use to discover:

– Body and soul agreements
– Planes of existence
– Levels of understanding
– Karma
– Soul Mates–you may have more than one!

Past lives and your “interlife”–where you meet those with whom you have a soul contract to plan your next life. Cannon offers a step-by-step process with simple explanations and pragmatic exercises that readers can use to answer questions about their past and current lives. Return Again is an easy-to-use tool that anyone can use to live life to the fullest.


Alice laughed. “There’s no use trying,” she said, “one can’t believe impossible things.”
“I daresay you haven’t had much practice,” said the Queen. “When I was your age, I always did it for half-an-hour a day. Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.”
—Lewis Carroll

It was the headaches that did it. Blinding, seemingly everlasting migraine headaches that took days and joy out of my life.I had tried everything to alleviate the cell-vibrating throbbing that started with a zazzy aura at the outer fringes of my vision, and focused a short time later behind my left eye and through the left side of my head. Agony. Nothing seemed to help. Allopathic, homeopathic, naturopathic—I tried them all, including an expensive series of sessions with an international “healer” who claimed to heal all ills.

By this time, I had started a hypnosis school and clinic in Toronto and had worked with various hypnotists at the clinic, using pain-management hypnosis. It didn’t work. Then someone recommended hypnotic regression—back to the cause—the theory being that all pain has an emotional root, and that all you have to do is find that root.

As fate—or karma—would have it, I had signed up to learn the official protocols to run past-life regression sessions—always believing that we are more than we seem. Coming from England, I believed there were fairies at the bottom of the garden and that ghosts existed—and if they existed, they were the soul, somewhere—and I wanted to find out where that somewhere was, and how it worked.

Knowing that the training included practice sessions, I decided, what the heck, I’ll try it. I would have tried anything to get rid of the migraines at that point! But back to cause . . . hmmm . . . could they have come from the repeated head-bashing I received from my mother as a child? (They came with the precursor of her going around the house, closing all the windows so the neighbors wouldn’t hear, then grabbing me by my hair and bashing the back of my head against the wall while she screamed the list of my misdemeanors.) But I’d worked through that with years of therapy—so it couldn’t be that. Or maybe it was the time I slipped at the swimming pool and crashed my head against the diving board. Hmm . . . I’d forgotten about that. Well, one way to find out!

As we paired up for practice, my partner agreed to see if we could discover the root of my migraines. “Sure,” he said, “we can try.” To be honest, neither of us was that confident in the process yet—and this added another layer of uncertainty!

Relaxed in the chair, I heard the trainee past-life facilitator’s voice leading me back through time and space, and suddenly an awful stench surrounded me. It was disgusting. Putrid. I felt like vomiting—and then I realized it was coming from me. I stank!

I suddenly saw and knew myself as a decrepit hag with rotting teeth and filthy, lank strings of hair. It was hard to see my skin color it was so encrusted with dirt. I found myself living in a cave just outside a small Mediterranean village, and I knew immediately what my role was. I birthed babies in the village and gathered herbs for abortions and easier births. I was the desired and reviled “witch” the villagers called on in times of trouble. And then chased away or, at best, ignored.

I was paid with food, when they remembered—and most of the time they didn’t, or chose not to. I was always close to starvation, especially in the winter. But the birthing of babies and the brief, grateful acknowledgements I received from the women when they needed my help kept me going.

Depleted and exhausted, I had just returned from a difficult birth. The baby—a boy—came feet first with the cord around his neck, and he was dead. I had cleaned up the mother and stopped the bleeding, given the body of the child to women relatives, and dragged myself back to my cave. And slept.

I woke to the sounds of shouting and heavy footsteps in my cave. A man was standing above me holding a rock. He started to beat me with the rock, blaming me for the death of his son and his wife, who had subsequently died. He kicked me and screamed at me, his spittle spraying my skin. Suddenly, the rock came down on my eye, into my brain—and then, blackness.

The facilitator guided me through the soul’s leaving the body and looking down at the scene below. The husband had killed me with the rock, through my left eye and into the left side of my brain. We completed the protocol of healing, forgiveness, and wisdom, and I returned to this lifetime, shaken and in awe of the process. Maybe that was it! Not the head beating, or the swimming-pool accident, but this past life.

Time would prove if it had worked. I waited for the next migraine to come. More than a decade later, I’m still waiting!

This was the start of my journey of studying, learning, teaching, writing, and appearing in and on the media as a spokesperson for the power of regression therapy—both past-life and Interlife.

This book is designed to hold your hand along the path toward the awe-inspiring possibilities that can enrich your current life. Because, ultimately, it is this current life that is the most important—and everything we do, I believe, needs to be focused on improving who we are, and where we are now.

Awaken Psychology

Awaken Mind

Awaken Spirit

Source: AWAKEN


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