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Seven Spiritual Laws Of Yoga: The Law Of Intention

by Sarah Platt-Finger: The Law of Intention and Desire says that inherent in every intention and desire are the mechanics for its fulfillment…


When we become quiet and introduce our intentions into the field of pure potentiality, we harness the universe’s infinite organizing power, which can manifest our desires with effortless ease.

Virabhadrasana 2: Law of Intention and Desire

The Law of Intention and Desire is about connecting to our deepest, driving desires, and cultivating our actions around them. Traditionally in the yoga practice, we begin by setting an intention because the intention is what sets the vibration of the class. It is important to keep returning back to your intentions and desires throughout your practice by staying present. Notice in warrior 2 if your mind begins to wander. Notice if you struggle with maintaining your intention because of challenges that come up. It is often the mind that keeps us from moving forward with our intentions. Warrior 2 is an excellent posture to stay grounded and focused by keeping connecting to the sensations in your body and focusing your gaze on one point. Remember to breathe and allow the infinite, organizing power of the universe to assist you in the pose.

How To:

Take your legs about a legs distance apart, or slight wider. Pivot the right foot forward and the left foot slightly inward toward the left corner edge of your mat. Align the heel of the front foot with the arch of the back foot. Level the pelvis and feel a subtle lift through the pelvic floor. Spin the palms to face up, feeling spaciousness across the collar bones. Keep that as you float the palms to face back down. Settle your gaze over the right middle finger. Bend the front knee, lining the knee directly over the second toe, and continue to root into the back foot. Stay here and breathe several breaths.

Added Value:

Close your eyes and see if you can experience the pose from inside. As we connect to our internal world we connect more to our authentic self, and become more clear about what our intentions and desires truly are.

Source: AWAKEN


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