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Right Here, Right Now. Have An Adult Response – Guru Singh

by Guru Singh: As a child . . . the tools of childhood served us well. These . . . the tools of doubt; jealousy; envy; frustration; fear; fascination; unreasonable humor and many, many others


all provided the illusion of security and stimulated our childhood growth. As an adult we must put aside many of these tools except unreasonable humor (belly laughing) and fascination: otherwise, the other ones will hold us way back, disrupt our sacred perceptions of life, create disharmony amongst our peers and produce other unintended consequences.

For example; doubt as a child’s tool serves the child to further examine and then gain understanding of the road ahead — a road that the child measures inch by inch for the purposes of negotiating with fear and affording the illusion of security. Arrogance — a tool of childhood — steps in to overcome this doubt — becomes the mover and driver through the formative years.

As an adult — not just a chronological one, but an authentic one — we are to travel through the years — not inch by inch, but dream by dream . . . accomplishment by accomplishment. Any doubt slows this progress way down and becomes a blockage to the joys of progress. As a spiritually evolved adult — a path-walker as it is known to the ancients — the journey of an enlightened adult’s life is to be measured in light years. Doubt and all the other childhood tools are disastrous and virtually unusable at this rate of journey. The preferred tools of this advanced evolution are tools of elegance and grace, integrity and courage; there is no place for arrogance; there is no place for power struggles; there is no place for the deceptions caused by fear, jealousy, envy and insecurity.

By this measure, the world today appears to be primarily populated with aging, adult sized children. This is the current nature of life on our planet and it is not only the problem . . . it is in fact by design. As a teacher, you must learn to work with this design, master it and become a mentor to all these adult-children (known as adult-childs). This is the role for your advanced consciousness; this is the road of your advanced mastery. You are not to become frustrated, or hurt, or disappointed, or wrestle for control; those are the tools of childhood and they will not serve you here. They will only create struggle when dealing with the adult-childs. Instead — seeing the world as it is — become responsible . . . able to respond to the way it is.

Right here, right now; have an adult response. See the way things are in this world and in your world. If that means making a move to set the playing field back to level for all the adult-childs around you — then do not hesitate. Make the move! Create the time of your life and their lives! Remain committed to your purpose as a leader, as a teacher, as an adult in this one-room schoolhouse Earth . . . the new evolutionary human consciousness . . .

Awaken Yoga

Awaken Spirit

Awaken Health & Wellness

Source: AWAKEN


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