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When You Take On Idealistic Tasks, There Will Always Be Push Back Both From Without & Within

by Guru Singh: When you are dedicated to raising the food for your entire village . . . you will always eat. Guru Singh When You Take On Idealistic Tasks, There Will Always Be Push Back Both From Without & Within Accused of being over idealistic, you run the risk of being an answer to all humanities challenges. This is a wonderful dilemma to be caught up in. This can be a real purpose-filled driver in your life.

Remember however; when you take on these types of idealistic tasks there will always be push back both from without and within. The outside push back is obvious, but the internal ones are most clever. They create the foundation for your doubts, for your concerns . . . all the way up to your largest fears. They are rich earth for the internal ridicule and self defeating monologues that lurk in the shadows of the unconscious. They are always there waiting, just like mildew waits for dampness. You are not being targeted; don’t take this personally . . . you are just an opportunity for either achievement or defeat. This is the nature of nature.

It is up to you to keep up; to keep yourself in the most conscious frame of mind. This is the duty of your daily practice . . . your Sadhana. How do you establish this practice? On whose back do you ride out into your world each day . . . your hero’s back or the back of your naysayer . . . your inspiration’s back or the back of your doubt? Make a conscious choice of the choice you make . . . every morning . . . every day.

Gestation and birthing of the spirit-body is much like that of the physical body. In fact, you are born into the physical body on Earth to continue the path of ultimately being born from the womb of this physical body into the spirit-body. When you have completed your path through the dense physical stages of life, you will cease incarnating on the physical planets of this multiverse we call a universe and move on to higher stages in less dense realms.

The stages of gestation and development of the spirit body — while in this physical “body-womb” — are much like their physical counterparts. When the ancient descriptions of these five stages translates into practical modern English, they sound like this: (1) Spirit-Embryo (the very earliest beginnings of the journey lasting thousands of lifetimes — no self-awareness); (2) Spirit-Fetal (the embryo has blossomed into self awareness, but is not yet born into the awareness of the oneness of all souls); (3) Spirit-Thresh-holder (birthing at the opening to the spirit-world of higher consciousness and aware of the oneness of all souls. This is a very early stage of spiritual life and there is much confusion, trepidation and duality); (4) Spirit-Path-walker (developing the deeper understanding and compassion of the path of the soul and committed to walking on this path); (5) Spirit-Star-walker (the enlightened — awakened masters leading life through the cosmos as they pass from the physical plane).

Everyone on Earth is on this path at some level. This world — as such — is a one room schoolhouse . . . every level being schooled and evolved together, each person learning at their appropriate level and rate. For this reason — as a leader — the most important quality to have in such an environment is complete non-judgment and total non-bias.

The ultimate goal of evolution is — to be alive in the physical body while being fully born into the spirit-body simultaneously. As the great Sikh sage and master — Guru Nanak — said, “Be dead while yet alive.” In this state you are not dead physically, but you are also not controlled by the needs and wants of the physical world . . . in fact you are more fully alive than life has ever been imagined. You are highly disciplined and a shining example for others to follow.

This — birthing into spirit — was accomplished by all the Prophets, the Avatars, the Messiahs and the Masters throughout history. We have created many stories about these great ones and in these stories we have declared all they accomplished beyond our mortal capacity . . . which it is not. Their lives were an example of what we are all capable of achieving. It is the evolution of human consciousness and the goal of all life. Now is the time to take from their examples and continue this journey forward toward our common destiny. We are all One.

Guru Singh is a 3rd-generation yogi, master spiritual teacher, author & musician who teaches conscious living through Kundalini & Humanology.

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Source: AWAKEN


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