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Gurukh Kaur Khalsa Recognize The Other Person Is You

Gurukh Kaur Khalsa:  Sat Nam, On this first day of our arrival I sit doing Sadhana at 3:00 am on the 4th floor of our hotel, 


looking out the window over the most populated city in the world, Delhi, India. The still dark skies precede an awakening soon to come. Can I really be one with each of these 25 million Souls in this city? “Recognize the other person is you” is a big concept and overwhelming idea. I shall do my best. ReMan plays over and over, and I reflect on the words . . . over and over again. I shall do my best.

O my mind, practice Yoga in this way:

Let Truth be your horn, sincerity your necklace, and meditation the ashes you apply on your body.

Catch your burning soul (self) and stop the flames. Let the soul (self) be the alms bowl in which you collect the sweet Naam, and this will be the only support you will ever need.

The Universe plays its Divine music. The sound of reality is shrill, but this is where God is.

When you listen to the reality from this place of awareness, the sweet essence of Raag arises.

Waves of melodies, emotions, and passions arise and flow through you. Bind yourself with the Song of God.

The Universe spins like a potter’s wheel, and from it fly demons and angels. The sage listens to this; and instead of getting caught in either one, the sage drinks in the Nectar of the Heavens and is carried to the Heavens in a Divine chariot.

Instruct and clothe yourself with self-control. Meditate unto Infinity until you are meditating without meditating.

In this way your body shall remain forever golden, and death shall never approach you.

I shall do my best.


Awaken Yoga

Awaken Spirit

Awaken Health & Wellness

Source: AWAKEN


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