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Making Money From Your Passion

My interview with Janet Attwood is the prime example how you can turn your passion into profit.  She should know -she is doing it even as you are reading this blog article.janet attwood, passion test authorDo you wonder about how what you already know can be monetized?

Don’t you love that word “monetize”; when I first heard it I had no idea what it meant.

Being the anal retentive, I thought to myself that it was not a real word but a made up one by some smart a#@e.

Okay, may be that is true, but that smart a#@e who coined the term probably is also financially independent and not a wage slave, so there. Fair point, I’ll cop that.

Janet is deadset that “Pursue your passion and the money will follow” is really possible.

Yeah but..

The proviso that a person honestly knows what they are passionate about, in the first place.

So, what if you are in a situation that you know what you don’t want i.e., your present job but are still fuzzy about what you really want out of life.

Then my friend, we have a small problem.

You know the old saying “If you don’t have a target (goal) you will hit anything”.

How about you take some ownership of your present circumstances and get clear on what you want.

Tonight, after dinner turn off the television or other distractions and respect yourself enough to have 30 minutes of uninterrupted time to write down on a piece of paper your top 5 goals.

The possibility of something greater than ourselves that is ours to claim only if and when we step up to the plate-Lorwai TAN

Not what you think other people want or expect from you but what makes your heart skip a beat when you commit pen to paper, what causes you to grip that pen a bit tighter and press a bit harder into the page when you list in detail your heart’s desire.

This is rather apt at a time when job security is paramount and personal values may become compromised for the sake of paying the mortgage, school fees for the kids and the list goes on.

That “Most men (and women) lead lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with the song still in them” Henry Thoreau would sum up the existence of some who feel they are trapped in a holding pattern, spinning their wheels and medicating themselves with weekend distractions to numb the pain of knowing that they are locked into uninspiring jobs come Monday morning.

However, far from looking forward to a bleak existence, there are avenues available to stop the slide in its tracks.

You could start by taking The Passion Test.

Awaken Consciousness

Awaken Spirit

Mindfulness & Meditation

Source: AWAKEN


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