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Janet Attwood on Finding Your Passion

by Janet Attwood: In our society, people have been taught that you can’t make a living and do what you love to do at the same time.Janet worked in the corporate world as a marketing director for Books Are Fun before she switched to her transformational profession.Most people think that!

“What I love to do, I do as a hobby.”

I’ve really seen it take a huge leap since 9/11 because since then, I would say that the United States experienced a real, spiritual rebirth.

People started looking at what they value and what is important to them and realized that at any moment, at any time, anything could change.

“What do I love?” People are waking up to the realization that – to the extent you are living your passion you’re happy and successful.

I’m talking about being happy and successful in a balanced way.

There are lots of so-called “successful” people who are not happy. They might be financially successful, and that’s all they’re able to focus on. The rest of their life drops away. To me that’s not real success.

Do you know that only 3% of the people in the world ever achieve financial freedom? And that only one-third of those, or 1% of the world’s population actually enjoy their wealth once they have made it?

So whats the point of anything if the “enjoy” part of life is left out?

I don’t know about you, but I want to enjoy my life, and every aspect of it NOW!

Most of us have been taught to focus on what we do wrong and how to fix that, so we focus on our problems. By focusing on what’s not working that’s what starts to become realized in our lives.

Have you ever heard of the “Bowling Study?”

When I co-created the “Enlightened Millionaire Program” with Mark Victor Hansen and Robert Allen, Mark and Bob told me about the the “Bowling Study”.

Two groups were asked to bowl a game.

The first group was video taped, the video tape was edited to show their mistakes, and they were told to study what they did wrong and then try to improve themselves.

The second group bowled their games, and their video tape was edited to show just the things they did right.

They were told to study those things. For example, when they bowled a strike, they were told to study their form and repeat what they did right.

Then both groups were asked to bowl again after they’d studied the video tapes for a while, and both improved. However, the team that focused on what they had done right improved vastly more than the other team.

There are people who are successful in our society who may be successful in some areas, as I said before, but very unhappy in other areas because they haven’t gotten clear on all of the things that are truly important to them.

They may be clear on a few things, but not all of the things really matter to them.

Then they achieve financial success, but they’ve got cancer or have a heart attack and what good does their money do them.

Or their family life falls apart and they end up divorced and alone.

Of course, it works the other way as well.

I have dear friends who I would say are hugely successful spiritually, but they’re completely broke, uncomfortable and struggling.

Again, they’ve gotten clear on some of their passions, but not all of them.

When you have looked at all the parts of your life that are truly important to you and begin to live those, then your life begins to take on a greater meaning.

[Excerpted from article Janet Attwood asks, What’s YOUR Passion Test Score?, by Liz Thompson.]

Awaken Consciousness

Awaken Spirit

Mindfulness & Meditation

Source: AWAKEN


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