Articles for: spiritual

by Laura Heggs: The upper body often harbors tightness and tension caused from bad habits…


by Wes Nisker: This interview grew out of several conversations between S. N. Goenka and...

by Christiane Northrup, M.D: The promise of transformation and healing…


by Incrosnatu Danut: What patterns do you see in your own life, or in the...

by Gabby Bernstein: For many years I had this story on repeat in my mind:...

by Hannah Leatherbury: What happens when we consistently practice meditation?


by Ashton August: If you’re wondering how to start doing yoga, that means you’ve decided...

by Sandy Smith: Men aren’t from Mars and women aren’t from Venus…


by Incrosnatu Danut:“Be an artist of consciousness. Your picture of reality is your most important...

by Mia Tagano: There is a quote somewhere, perhaps it is a lyric to a...

by Sofia Frasca: We hear the term yoga bandied around constantly, and when we hear...

When we hear the word yoga, we tend to think of asanas: tree pose, sun...

Thich Naht Hanh, the Zen Buddhist master, has some interesting advice about what it means...

Today, when our human family is facing so many challenges, it is more important than...

The use of props in yoga classes…


by Eva Lu: Tony Robbins dedicated more than 25 years of his life to find...

by Paul C Pritchard: A dance with the divine…


by Yogi Bhajan: Historically this is a very outstanding kriya…


by Karen Eng: Artist Jorge Mañes Rubio travels to Seoul, Korea, to learn about the...

by Hannah Leatherby: What does it look like to be totally focused during your yoga...

by Jon Darrell-Rew: One of the gifts of our globalised postmodern society is that we...

by Courtney Reed: Sun Salutations are a sequence of yoga poses strung together in a...

Q: My relationship with a man is very difficult. I wonder if he’s the wrong...

by Ralph Metzner Ph.D: En-theo-genesis means experiencing and recognizing the divine inner source of all...