by Katie Toussaint: I was weirded out but optimistic when I first stepped into the...
by Dr. Alberto Villoldo: The effects of racism, oppression, illness, climate disaster and possible extinction...
In Search of the Miraculous. (Gurdjieff) Chapter 8 – read by D.J. Elliott…
...Spiritual Awakening isn’t all love and light. Sometimes there is darkness. Sometimes we may experience...
Dr. Hawkins was an explorer of Consciousness while on earth. His own enlightenment came through...
By Dr. Bruce Lipton, PhD: Our Biggest Limitations Are Our Beliefs. Eben Alexander MD: At 4:30 a.m. on Nov. 10, 2008, I suddenly became very...
by Erica Kremens: “Healing requires from us to stop struggling, but to enjoy life more...
by Richard Rohr: It seems like our society is at a low point in terms...
by Swami Prembhava Saraswati (Australia): We need tools to guide and support us in spiritual...
During the May 8, GAIA Journey global ‘inhale’ session, Jon Kabat-Zinn, shared a powerful practice...
“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” “The deepest secret is that life...
by Lena Schmidt: What goes into your body not only feeds your physical body, but...
The importance of Brugh Joy’s work with Dreams can not be overstated, it was at...
by Bhumika: “Kundalini” simply means ‘that which is coiled’, and it can also be interpreted...
by Alberto Villoldo Ph.D: In my book, The Heart of the Shaman, there are three...
Young man, be aware of these four good-hearted friends: the helper, the friend who endures...
The main voice over is from the Audiobook Conversation with God by Neale Donald Walsch… Ed and Deb Shapiro: Through Covid-19 we have been launched into the great unknown… Charles Francis : In the last two articles, we talked about what enlightenment is,...