Articles for: spiritual

by Katie Toussaint: I was weirded out but optimistic when I first stepped into the...

by Dr. Alberto Villoldo: The effects of racism, oppression, illness, climate disaster and possible extinction...

In Search of the Miraculous. (Gurdjieff) Chapter 8 – read by D.J. Elliott…


Spiritual Awakening isn’t all love and light. Sometimes there is darkness. Sometimes we may experience...

“I started walking to the edge and took a deep breath, I looked up at...

Dr. Hawkins was an explorer of Consciousness while on earth. His own enlightenment came through...

By Dr. Bruce Lipton, PhD: Our Biggest Limitations Are Our Beliefs.


by Eben Alexander MD: At 4:30 a.m. on Nov. 10, 2008, I suddenly became very...

by Erica Kremens: “Healing requires from us to stop struggling, but to enjoy life more...

by Richard Rohr: It seems like our society is at a low point in terms...

by Swami Prembhava Saraswati (Australia): We need tools to guide and support us in spiritual...

During the May 8, GAIA Journey global ‘inhale’ session, Jon Kabat-Zinn, shared a powerful practice...

“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” “The deepest secret is that life...

by Lena Schmidt: What goes into your body not only feeds your physical body, but...

The importance of Brugh Joy’s work with Dreams can not be overstated, it was at...

by Bhumika: “Kundalini” simply means ‘that which is coiled’, and it can also be interpreted...

by Alberto Villoldo Ph.D: In my book, The Heart of the Shaman, there are three...

C – Visions of Paradise


Young man, be aware of these four good-hearted friends: the helper, the friend who endures...

The main voice over is from the Audiobook Conversation with God by Neale Donald Walsch…


by Ed and Deb Shapiro: Through Covid-19 we have been launched into the great unknown…


by Charles Francis : In the last two articles, we talked about what enlightenment is,...

Mantra for success and happiness…


by Chad Foreman: The Natural State…
