Articles for: environment

by Erin Elizabeth: While it would be nice to believe that the reason we are...

by Dina Berenbaum & Manoshi Datta: For Gershon Grossman and Ed Murray, 1978 was a...

by Claire Asher: We have triggered animal extinctions and climate change, and both have altered...

by Mona Dajani: Using renewable electricity to convert water to hydrogen fuel is one answer...

by Howard Jones: The whole of the natural world is imbued with a numinous sacred...

by David Christian: Backed by stunning illustrations, David Christian narrates a complete history of the...

by Ashley Sullivan: For World Animal Day, we celebrate our kinship with and the diversity,...

by Nicole Faires: When Bernie Krause began recording nature, he didn’t realize he was pioneering...

by Holly Secon: By 2050, nearly 10 billion people will be on the planet. That’s...

by Maria Popova: “A tree can be only as strong as the forest that surrounds...

by Suzanna Shmurak: Billions of people lack access to safe drinking water. These new inventions...

by Dalai Lama: Scientific predictions of environmental change are difficult for ordinary human beings to...

by Amanda Monteiro: European research from the Max Planck Institute for Human Development in Germany...

by Amy Woodyatt: Contaminated water that could soon be released into the sea from the...

by Damian Carrington: Breakthrough that builds on plastic-eating bugs first discovered by Japan in 2016...

by Peter Diamandis: The era of the internal combustion engine (ICE) car is ending. We...

by Caroline Delbert: Tough break for fossil fuels…


by Dave Stevens: Humanity faces several extinction-level events that could annihilate us in days not...

Flower colors that contrast with their background are more important to foraging bees than patterns...

by Jane Goodall: Thank you for this opportunity to express my strong support for the...

by Ashley Sullivan: Every day you live, you have an impact on the world around...

by Karen Wilhelm: Your phone is about to go dead—again—and you can’t find a place...

by Chanan Bos: Tesla’s Battery Day was not just full of surprises…


by Zachary Shahan: We’ve been publishing “total cost of ownership” comparisons — well, forecasts —...